Genshin Impact: Raiden Shogun Theme「Judgement of Euthymia」Piano & Violin Cover | Raiden x Yae Miko

Genshin Impact: & Violin Cover
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💗Piano & Video Editor: RuRu (Yae Miko)
💜Violin: @Kathie Violin 黃品舒 (Raiden Shogun)

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#GenshinImpact #RaidenShogunTheme #PianoViolin #JudgementofEuthymia #TerminationofDesires #GenshinPiano #JudgementofEuthymiaPiano #GenshinCosplay
# #雷電将軍 #ピアノバイオリン #浄土裁断 #妄念と執念 #原神ピアノ #雷電将軍ピアノ
#原神Genshin #雷電將軍主題曲 # #鋼琴小提琴 #黃品舒 #淨土裁斷 #雷電將軍鋼琴 #原神鋼琴 #原神小提琴 #巴爾澤布 #八重神子 #原神Cosplay

Genshin Impact: Raiden Shogun Theme「」Piano & Violin Cover | Raiden x Yae Miko

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  1. 💗Yae Miko 八重神子 x 💜Raiden Shogun 雷電將軍,這次大家該怎麼選呢😏?
    ✨透過超級留言支持RuRu繼續改編ACG音樂 If you like my music, you can use Super Chat and Super Thanks to support me!
    ❤Join RuRu’s Membership:
    🎹「雷電将軍 Judgement of Euthymia」楽譜 Sheet Music:

    1. @桐夜

  2. 頻道第一部原神音樂來啦~~這次與品舒一起cos最香的兩個角色:八重神子與巴爾澤布,將帶給大家超好聽的主題曲「雷電將軍:淨土裁斷」!

    The first Genshin Impact music on my channel is here~~ This time Kathie and I cosplay as the two most fragrant characters: Yae Miko and Raiden Shogun. We will bring you the great theme song “Raiden Shogun: Judgement of Euthymia”!
    Listen to our performance before drawing cards! ! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

    1. 不用抽卡也可以見到最香的兩個角色合力演奏,真是太幸福了

    2. 音乐是绝对没问题的,请不要不要亵渎 RaidenShogun ,dun cos please

  3. 这太漂亮了她的角色扮演😍😍
    It’s so beautiful her cosplay 😍😍

  4. 感覺兩個遊戲角色跑出來,讓每個人都覺得真香,可以聽到黃金組合演奏,原神音樂好好聽。

  5. 耶耶是原神欸!我覺得原神的歌都很好聽!希望鋼琴和小提琴的二重奏會好聽!!!

  6. When you think Yae Miko, Baal, Shenhe and some Genshin Impact characters might be your favourites, You will know how tough they are in fighting and how beautiful they look. I’ve never played that game on my device, but I just love their characters and the gameplay by the gamers. I’ll be watching your latest video tonight. How good is their collaboration to bring the Raiden Shogun Theme from Genshin Impact.

  7. 旋律和風十足加上華麗的服裝(絕世美感)太棒了

  8. At first I was a little underrated because it was game music, but it felt very artistic, helped by the good arrangements you guys did. It was great. I look forward to the next opportunity to see you again.

  9. RuRu 和品舒的合作必屬佳品。這首品張力十足,聽來勾人心弦,真是過癮。RuRu 和品舒的 cos 真是幫作品畫龍點睛了 真的好棒!

  10. RuRu and Kathie have delivered us another spectacular duet performance! RuRu’s rhythmic and harmonic assistance complemented and coordinated well with Kathie’s beautiful melodic lines. As what I felt, they conveyed the feeling of the hardship that someone experienced while travelling on a treacherous road — just like in an adventure game. But the beauty of this performance is not just about the exemplary skills they have — it is also how they presented themselves to their audience. Their outfits looked great which seemed to be beautifully tailored just for them. パチパチパチ

    1. Thank you for your comment! That’s right! These are tailored outfits

  11. I’ve been playing the game for a year. The ost was the one of the main reason I keep playing… combined with kathie into the duet made the harmony feel like I was playing the game already! Maybe listening to the cover could give me luck on obtain wanted characters!

  12. Ура мне выпала Райден! Она очень красивая😊🎆. RuRu обожаю ваши косплеи! Получилось просто супер🌹🎶❤️

  13. Sábado en casa… Día soleado, preparando mi platillo favorito y eschuchando esta bella pieza… No necesito más 👍👌😋⭐❤

  14. I don’t know why, but for a little moment I remembered my childhood. It’s so amazing how the music can work over our minds. It’s a piece of magic. Thank you sooo much for your talent! Both are a great team! and a great piece of art.

  15. 這聽起來真的很有感覺,確實很有稻妻施行眼狩令那種國情緊張的韻味,這也讓人很想聽聽璃月風格的演奏。有好幾首璃月的配樂都很不錯聽,我想也很適合演奏!

  16. Both performances and Cosplaying are top-tier omg <3 you two never fail to amaze me ^^
    Looking forward to more DUO performabce between you two in the future ^^

  17. Una vez más arte musical en toda la extensión de la palabra. Muy genial! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😌🎶🎶🎹 🎻

  18. Мурашки по коже…
    P.S.: Оказывается, Яэ Мико не только умеет писать книги, но еще играть на фортепиано.

  19. Magnífica interpretación , excelente por parte de ambas, esas colaboraciones son sensacionales 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤❤❤❤❤

  20. aaaaa…..

    This piece will be embeded into my mind for ever lasting eternity 💜
    Thank you!

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