What is a chord? How to Play Chords on Piano for Beginners (Piano Tutorial) Key of C.

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What is a chord? to Play Chords on Piano for Beginners (Piano Tutorial) Key of C.

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  1. Thank you so much. You make understanding of chords so simple. Please make more videos for beginers.

    1. I shall make some more soon.  Right now I’m super busy with my piano studio, as we are getting ready for end of year concert, registering for next year, and interviewing new students for openings when seniors leave!

  2. This video tutorial is possibly the best tutorial on basic chords out here. Extremely helpful, to-the-point, and lastly its just on the perfect speed (no rushing or going very slow). I subbed and cant wait to see more tutorials!

  3. Thanks, that’s really helpful and a good start! I just got a melodica so I thought I might as well try to learn chords and a bit of theory instead of only learning melodies by ear 🙂 . I like how you made a little diagram as you explained things, it makes everything much clearer. I’ll copy so I can have a quick look anytime! I just have one question: if you don’t play the root note on the left hand, but play another note from the chord, would you call it an inversion?

  4. This lesson was excellent.   It provided the information on chords that I have been wanting to learn for years.   The presentation was very easy to follow.  Thank you so much!

  5. You are the only person who is teaching me Piano in a very simple way. You explaining very easily and your demonstration is on point. Thank you

  6. The best Piano youtube lesson out there. So easy to assimilate. Thankyou so much for this. God bless you very much

  7. So perfectly explained with much needed patience and clarity! Found this after long search. Thanks a ton!

  8. This is the best chord tutorial I’ve come across, you are awesome 🙂 I’ve watched at least 20 videos and got lost within minutes, but yours made a lot of sense, and I’m suddenly getting it 🙂 thanks a mil!

  9. Wow!  Finally someone who can teach – clearly, precisely, intuitively.  Thank you.

  10. Omg! Amazing and so helpful! I can’t bear to read music and I found this so useful! Thanks you for explaining it so well, methodically and clearly!

  11. So clear and simple to understand. I’m trying to apply my knowledge I’ve learned on guitar onto piano. This has helped so much. Thank you!

  12. Difficult concepts become easy when you get a good teacher. 💯❤

  13. Thank you. I’ve learned a lot. You are a great teacher!
    I’d like to learn more.

  14. I always having problem remembering chords and you make everything so simple to understand in just a few minutes. Thank you very much!!! Love this video!!

  15. Thank you for the excellent video. One of the best—clear, confident and steady pace! No silliness. You can just tell that it’s the real thing. (I hope your studio is doing well.)

  16. I’ve been self teaching through videos for a few weeks now and this just perfectly tied together a bunch of concepts I’ve learned but had yet to connect into a real understanding. Super helpful, thank you!

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