Encanto – What Else Can I Do? (Piano Karaoke)

What Else Can I Do? from 'Encanto' () initially carried out by Diane Gurrero and Stephanie Beatriz|Crucial with lyrics
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Tempo is 117 bpm. The secret is B (regulates to C).


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✘ Lyrics ✘.

I simply made something unforeseen.
Something sharp, something new.
It's not in proportion or best.
However it's lovely, and it's mine.
What else can I do?

Bring it in, bring it in.
Bring it in, bring it in (What else can I do?).
Bring it in, bring it in.
Bring it in, bring it in.

I grow rows and rows of roses.
Flor de mayo, by the mile.
I make perfect, practiced presents.
So much hides behind my smile.
What could I do if I simply grew what I was feeling in the minute?
( Do you understand where you're going? Whoa!).
What could I do if I felt in one's bones it didn't need to be best?
It just required to be? And they 'd let me be?

A hurricane of jacarandas.
Strangling figs.
Hanging vines.
Palma de cera fills the air as I climb.
And I push through.
What else can I do?

Can I provide us a river of sundew?
Mindful, it's meat-eating, a little simply won't do.
I wan na feel the shiver of something brand-new.
I'm so tired of pretty, I want something true, do not you?

You just seem like your life's been a dream.
Since the moment you opened your eyes.
( How far do these roots decrease?).
All I know are the blooms you grow.
However it's amazing to see how you increase.
How far can I increase? Through the roofing, to the skies, let's go!

A typhoon of jacarandas.
Strangling figs.
Hanging vines.
Palma de cera fills the air as I climb.
And I press through.
What else, What else.

What can you do when you are deeply, madly, genuinely in the minute?
Take the moment, keep goin'.
What can you do when you understand who you wan na be isn't perfect?
However I'll still be all right (Hey, everyone clear the way, whoo!).

I'm coming through with tabebuia (She's coming through with that booyah!).
Making waves (Making waves).
Altering minds (You have actually changed mine).
The method is clearer 'cause you're here, and well.
I owe this all to you.
What else can I do? (Show 'em what you can do).
What else can I do? (There's nothing you can't do).
What else can I do?

# #sing 2music.

Encanto – What Else Can I Do? ()

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