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About the Author: Virtual Piano Online


  1. Is it included on sheet music and stuff? And if so how is it transcribed?!

    1. Looking for the “A demolished” chord transcription? Here it is: „A🧨” 😉

  2. This is a story the guys in the Police like to tell, but it’s almost certainly not true. There’s no other piano on the album, so what microphones pick this up? The vocal mic? Doesn’t sound like it. And it doesn’t make any sense that he would sit down just a couple of seconds before the vocal start. The drum mics? The drums were in a booth on the other side of the room. It’s a cute story, it’s almost certainly not true.

    1. Vocal mic. The piano sits in the same room where he sang the vocals. Sounds very believable. Stuff like that happens in studios a lot, but usually they don’t keep those mistakes on the album.

    2. Many studios had pianos in them back then, whether or not a band used it on a record. What I hear in the intro sounds exactly as described. It sounds random and unintentional

  3. Despite the record company’s urging, Sting refused to play the arse chord on all the other songs.

  4. Nowadays, something like that would, at the very least, be digitally erased in software — if not replaced with a pitch-corrected “perfect” chord. 😢

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