《First Love 初恋》Main Theme「First Love / Hikaru Utada」Ru's Piano Cover
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Piano Arranged and Performed by RuRu
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#初恋 #宇多田ヒカル #ピアノ #初恋ピアノ #FirstLoveピアノ #FirstLove楽譜 #初恋楽譜 #宇多田ヒカルピアノ
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好早 辛苦了
You will have a super healthy morning movie! 🎉
雖然沒看過魔女的條件,但是一定會聽過的神曲>< 而且是聽到旋律就可以跟著唱那種XDD 最近Netflixt也上映了以這首歌去改編的故事(找時間來追 真的會喚起滿滿的回憶啊
Looking lovely, Ru-sama :3 ❤️❤️
Subarashi, this will be lovely owo 💜💜
Looking forward to Ruru Cover First LOVE main theme [First Love by hikaru utada]
You are always gonna be my love
先祝妳台中演奏順利成功( ›ω‹)୨ 🎶
這首歌我很喜歡,宇多田光的神曲First Love,真的是回憶殺,充滿感人的畫面,我以前還有買歌曲專輯。
Thank you for always giving me healing.
And thank you for always playing so well.
RuRu, I’ll be rooting for you in Korea.
好期待 時隔24年這首歌終於再次出場 超耐聽的歌期待老大的詮釋
For me, This is one of the most iconic and popular Japanese songs of the early 2000s. This song from Hikaru Utada received extraordinary appreciation from his listeners and always dominated the charts on both television and radio. Several Japanese and even foreign musicians covered this song in their own way. Most importantly, this is Utada’s best work throughout her singing career. RuRu will perform this song with a beautiful arrangement. I can’t wait to see how RuRu will perform when she performs this song through the strains of the piano.
Okay, you’re convincing me now, I will be attentive for your premiere tomorrow.
Will be all right, you will make a beautiful presentation and have a beautiful performance, I believe in you! You will do a beautiful job in these two days of presentation! Everyone will love
But we’re not done here yet!!! We have a lot to get right!!!
Widzę na miniaturce że dbasz o formę jak zawsze moje kochanie jest najpiękniejsze kocham cie ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😁😁😁😃😃😃😉😉😉💕💕
this gonna be right in the feels man
回想起跟妹妹看魔女的條件時~第一次聽到這首 就入迷了~ 超好聽的一首歌~當時超愛 宇多田光 的
這次提早發片 真是辛苦了~唉又是一次爆肝看日出的心血之作!期待週六晚上的首播❤ 這週六、日 兩天還要表演 太辛苦了~週一 還是給自己放一天假 好好休息吧
Esto es increiblemente hermoso, una gran cancion para empezar mi dia!!!