86 -Eighty Six- ED 「Avid」 Piano Cover/ SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki

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Hello everyone,

Hope you enjoy this cover of "", the ED theme from ! I've been wanting to cover this song for some time.

This piano arrangement is a good study on voicing. There's the vocal line at the top, the ostinato (repeating) pattern in the middle voice, and the bass. In the second half of the verse, there's one more voice accompanying with a simple repeating pattern (D-E-A-B). It's a challenge to play all of these voices at the same time while not drowning out the main melody 🙂

– Halcyon
▼ Check out more piano covers! 作品再生リスト

Q: Where can I buy the piano?
A: The piano model is Roland JUNO-DS88. The MIDI display was made using effects, not a real screen.
このピアノはRoland JUNO-DS88 です。ピアノの前にある映像は加工です。

Piano synthesizer: Roland JUNO-DS88
Sound library: Garritan CFX
VFX software: Embers ( ), Adobe AfterEffects

▼ Credits

ピアノアレンジ: HalcyonMusic

▼ Special thanks to my following supporters on Patreon!
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Andrew Norton
Brian Boutilier
Kater of Glencoe
Lois Romanowicz
Nami Miyahara
SamA Lau
Thomas Kwasny

# #EightySix #エイティシックス
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*Affliated link
^ Free for a limited time after upload. Due to copyright reasons, all for my piano covers on this website are distributed for a fee. Thank you for understanding.

86 -Eighty Six- ED 「Avid」 Piano Cover/ SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:

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About the Author: Virtual Piano Online


  1. I hope halcyon can do the last episode ed because it’s so nice😍😍

    anyway thanks to halcyon for the sheet to let me practice with some of my favourite anime songs🎉

  2. Just hoping for halcyon’s cover for this song after finished 86 yesterday, it’s really surprised me when this cover was released.
    ThankU halcyon~~

  3. I love Sawano’s compositions. Beautiful cover of this emotional song that captures the feeling.

  4. This anime is really good and its really touching. It deserve more season✨ the OP and ED really good and now its being cover by Halcyon. I’ma cry again

  5. After months of waiting, this probably one of the best version I’ve heard (Beside SLS x Yu Lun Chou cover, it’s the most beautiful one imo). Gotta say that Avid is my most favorite ED, the song really hits different when it was played on the anime. Really great job, Halcyon; hope you could do LilaS🥰💯

  6. Another on-spot cover for another great anime, sounding both same and different from other arrangements.
    After watching both seasons, this slaps harder than expected.
    Thank you halcyon

  7. Eres el número 1 Halcy, esperaba con ansias tu versión de este gran OP. 🙌🏼💯🇦🇷

  8. Sawano Hiroyuki is the ultimate goat of OST’s ! Till the end of 2nd season, all OST were beautiful and in accordance with the anime !

  9. Absolutely brilliant to see the lighting upgrade! Gives off an extremely soothing vibe while listening ~

  10. The anime ending was a masterpiece, the story was incredible, the endings and ops (especially kyoukaisen and Avid) hit hard. Thank you 86, the only mecha that I love

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