Attack on Titan Final OP「Saigo no Kyojin / The Last Titan」Play the Piano Blindfolded – Ru’s Piano

Attack on Titan Final OP「 / 」Piano
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Piano Arranged and Performed by RuRu
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The last opening song of AOT, and the song title is "The Last Titan". Now… I have to take out the treasured super giant cosplay suit (●`艸´)

I am completely ashamed tonight! ! Anyone who doesn't listen will be stepped on by the super giant RuRu!🦶

Please subscribe if you want to see more of my piano covers (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡

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#AttackOnTitanFinalOP #SaigonoKyojin #TheLastTitan #PianoCover #TheLastTitanPiano #SaigonoKyojinPiano #ToYou2000YearsFromNow #LinkedHorizon #AttackOnTitanFinalSeason #ErenYeager #ErenDie #ColossalTitan
#進撃の巨人FinalOP #最後の巨人 #ピアノ #進撃の巨人完結編 #最後の巨人ピアノ #二千年後の君へ #進撃の巨人ピアノ # #エレンイェーガー #エレンイェーガー死亡
#進擊的巨人完結篇OP # #鋼琴演奏 #最後的巨人鋼琴 #最後の巨人鋼琴 #致兩千年後或是兩萬年後的你 #進擊的巨人最終OP # #艾連 #米卡莎 #艾連死亡

Attack on Titan Final OP「Saigo no Kyojin / The Last Titan」Play the Piano Blindfolded – Ru's Piano

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  1. 老大變成超大型巨人了!!!
    Linked Horizon真的好會表達這種風格的音樂
    巨人能夠始於Linked Horizon;終於Linked Horizon真的是太棒了!

    1. 超大型巨人踩踩踩爆一切🦶
      Linked Horizon的片頭曲總是很豐富,對改編及彈奏來說也是一個挑戰

    2. @@RusPiano 真的都很用心在編排,不管是劇情、音樂!!!
      老大這次cover的也超好聽♪( ´▽`)

  2. 以前cos女巨都沒有違和感,但是cos超大型巨人怎麼會這麼害羞呢?
    💪Join RuRu’s Membership 加入會員領取每月福利 (專屬直播/樂譜/音訊):
    🦶大家可以透過超級留言、超級感謝支持RuRu,這對我的創作之路有莫大的幫助唷!If you like my music, you can use Super Chat and Super Thanks to support me!
    🎼「最後の巨人 Saigo no Kyojin」楽譜 Sheet:

  3. 最後一首巨人的OP、曲名還是「最後的巨人」,這.. 這下子不拿出珍藏的超大型巨人cos服不行了 (●` 艸´)

    The last opening song of AOT, and the song title is “The Last Titan”. Now… I have to take out the treasured super giant cosplay suit (●`艸´)
    I am completely ashamed tonight! ! Anyone who doesn’t listen will be stepped on by the super giant RuRu!🦶🦶

  4. 00:30 弓矢> 紅蓮的弓矢(OP1)
    00:33 自由> 自由之翼(OP2)
    00:35 心臓> 獻出心臟(OP3)
    00:38 紅に染る鳥と> Red Swan(OP4)
    00:41 屍を敷き詰めた道は> 憧憬と屍の道(OP5)
    00:44 争いを辿り> My War(OP6)
    00:47 地鳴> The Rumbling(OP7)

  5. 老大盲彈真的太厲害了!!!
    而且竟然還有彩蛋⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄
    老大這一句真的講的超有感覺>< 發音也好標準XD我自己在那邊試講,都會卡在"驅逐"的發音,真的不容易耶!!!

    1. 謝謝U綸的支持

    2. @@RusPiano 這次笑果真的也是十足XDD

  6. The last opening song of AOT, and the song title is “The Last Titan”. Now… I have to take out the treasured super giant cosplay suit (●`艸´)
    I am completely ashamed tonight! ! Anyone who doesn’t listen will be stepped on by the super giant RuRu!

  7. 謝謝 超大型巨人Ru🦶彈奏🎹
    (後面 彩蛋 看到快笑噴🤣…肚子好痛)

    這部真的太神了啦❗️❗️❗️感覺妳又提升更上一層次😁不獻上 紅紅 太說不過去了❤️
    ( ◍>◡<◍)ノ♡

    1. 笑到肚子痛好耶!影片帶來歡樂

  8. Thank you for playing my favorite piece 💓 What a wonderful performance 👏👏

  9. It could NOT have been very easy to play the piano in that outfit. But I listened, because I do not want to be stepped on by the super giant RuRu! And because I love your covers…
    Thank you, Princess Of The Piano, for your music.

  10. Your performance is really incredible, RuRu!! 👋👋👋 Playing the piano without seeing the keys is very difficult!! The cosplay is great too!! I think this video deserves many likes and views for the great challenge of playing blind. Great job, RuRu!!❤
    P.S. What I don’t know is how you managed to breathe haha 😅

    1. Thank you so much! This is my first video of playing the piano blindfolded. It’s so fun!!!

  11. I admire how gracefully your hands move over the keys, even with gloves on. Well done. 🙂

  12. 請收下小弟的膝蓋,有史以來看到RuRu cos如此犧牲,太專業了甘拜下風,尤其是巨人服裝下盲彈更是一絕,神乎琴技

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