Bocchi the Rock! OP 「Seishun Complex」 Piano Cover/ Kessoku Band

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! is just so damn good.

I really liked the slice-of-life genre, but ! is not only enjoyable, but also memorable. I can imagine myself re-watching this series over and over again.

Hope you enjoyed this of the OP – "Seishun Complex" by Kessoku Band (which is the band in the anime!). The hardest part is the left hand – it has to play two roles: both the drummer and the bassist 🙂

▼ Check out more piano covers! 作品再生リスト

Q: Where can I buy the MIDI screen?
A: The MIDI display was made using effects, not a real screen.

Keyboard: Roland FP-30X
Sound library: Garritan CFX
VFX software: MIDI Visualizer ( ), Adobe AfterEffects

▼ Credits
歌 / Performed by:結束バンド / Kessoku Band
作曲 / Composed by:音羽-otoha-
ピアノアレンジ / Piano arr.:

▼ Special thanks to my following supporters on Patreon!
Become a supporter here:
Andrew Norton
Brian Boutilier
Lois Romanowicz
SamA Lau
Thomas Kwasny

#anime #ぼっちざろっく #bocchitherock #結束バンド #ぼっち・ざ・ろっく

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*Affliated link
^ Free for a limited time after upload. Due to copyright reasons, all sheet music for my piano covers on this website are distributed for a fee. Thank you for understanding.

Bocchi the Rock! OP 「Seishun Complex」 / Kessoku Band

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About the Author: Virtual Piano Online


    1. Who do you ship?

      I personally ship Bocchi-Kita. A shy & clumsy girl who’s a borderline shut-in asserting herself to a spontaneous girl who’s the embodiment of social media celebrity, I love it

  1. 太讚了,很好聽,孤獨搖滾是我今季最喜歡的一套呢~(還特別有共鳴呢…)再看了一次發現牆紙變成樂團照了~

  2. What was a cutesy relatable rock band-SoL anime opening soundtrack became a pixelated RPG boss fight music

  3. For a second I honestly thought this man pasted a bunch of pictures on his wall LOLOL

    Anyways woooooo awesome cover 👌🤌

  4. I think we all that love music & making music can all agree that Bocchi-chan were just *too relatable to all of us.. I can’t just stop smiling everytime I watch this show 😆

  5. Can’t stop having this song in repeat, is my favorite of the season.

  6. The photos in the background had me rolling! lmao
    This was a great cover for the op.

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