Final Fantasy Steinway Piano Medley「Suteki Da Ne / Eyes On Me / Aerith’s Theme」Ru’s Piano

Final Fantasy Best Songs「Suteki Da Ne / / Aerith's Theme」
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Song List:
0:00 Suteki Da Ne / Final Fantasy X
5:47 / Final Fantasy VIII
11:54 Aerith's Theme /

🎼「Suteki Da Ne」Sheet Music Link

🎼「Eyes On Me」Sheet Music Link

🎼「Aerith's Theme」Sheet Music Link

What kind of sparks will be created when Final Fantasy historical songs meet Steinway piano?
Tonight, Yuna will let you completely immerse you in music: (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♬

Yuna, Rinoa, Aerith, which heroine is your favorite?

Piano Arranged and Performed by RuRu
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#FinalFantasyTheme #EyesOnMe #SutekiDaNe #AerithTheme #PianoMedley #FinalFantasyVII #FinalFantasyVIII #FinalFantasX #YunaTheme #UematsuNobuo
# #FinalFantasy主題歌 #素敵だね #エアリス主題歌 #ピアノ #FF8ピアノ #植松伸夫 #ユウナCosplay
#最終幻想主題曲 #太空戰士OST #鋼琴組曲 # #優娜主題曲 # # #EyesOnMe鋼琴 #FinalFantasy鋼琴

Final Fantasy Steinway Piano Medley「Suteki Da Ne / Eyes On Me / Aerith's Theme」Ru's Piano

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  1. 是FF系列的串燒耶>< 而且我要先自首FF系列的全部音樂,都只有聽過老大彈的版本,可能甚至連原曲都沒聽過… 所以真的很感謝老大cover了這麼多優質的音樂(我差點就要跟他們擦肩而過了)這次直接跨世代的結合,超級期待的耶,其中只有愛麗絲主題曲,在玩FF7的時候在遊戲內聽到真的超級有感覺,直接跟別人相反XD 可能都是先玩遊戲、聽原曲,而我則是聽老大的cover、玩遊戲、聽原曲XD 再來的兩首「素敵だね」「Eyes On Me 」也是從老大的頻道聽到超級熟悉的曲子了,好期待這次可以聽到大黑版本的了♪( ´▽`)

  2. Yuna, the best girl from FF series.
    🤍Join RuRu’s Membership 加入會員領取每月福利 (專屬直播/樂譜/音訊/拍立得):
    🩵大家可以透過超級留言、超級感謝支持RuRu,這對我的創作之路有莫大的幫助唷!If you like my music, you can use Super Chat and Super Thanks to support me!
    🎹「Final Fantasy」楽譜 Sheet:
    🎼「Suteki Da Ne」Sheet Music Link
    🎼「Eyes On Me」Sheet Music Link
    🎼「Aerith’s Theme」Sheet Music Link

  3. 當FF歷代神曲遇上史坦威鋼琴,會擦出什麼樣的火花呢?


  4. What kind of sparks will be created when Final Fantasy historical songs meet Steinway piano?
    Tonight, Yuna will let you completely immerse you in music: (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♬

    Yuna, Rinoa, Aerith, which heroine is your favorite?

  5. 經典串燒原來是FF 系列~

  6. 好聽的組曲🎶由 優娜 親自彈奏💙🤍
    而且這次是 (大黑) 的版本,全新的感受🎹
    (RuRu 忙到日出的妳🌅快快去休息🛏️)

  7. 哇,是FF串燒,🎉🎉🎉

  8. 這次竟然是彈FF系列的串燒

  9. 最終幻想串燒組曲!! 很喜歡鋼琴版的最終幻想曲子,每一首都是非常舒壓又美妙的旋律。
    一次復刻「素敵だね」、「Eyes On Me」、「Aerith’s Theme」三首超棒、超期待,每一首都很經典,讓人忘不了。
    RuRu 手上拿的法杖難道是這次特別訂做的!?RuRu cosplay 優娜非常完美,仙氣滿滿。

  10. I don’t think Ru can get more beautiful with every thumbnail, but this one must take it.


  11. コスプレ素敵ですね。ファイナルファンタジーの人気曲ピアノ楽しみにしています。 みんな素敵な曲ですね。 RuRu最高!!

  12. Some of the best songs from the Final Fantasy franchise of my childhood! Suteki Da Ne will always get me!!

  13. Bravo Ru-chan. True another wonderful performance.

  14. FF系列最喜歡7、8、10,當初就是因為Yuna而入坑FF10的,這次終於有愛麗絲了!!!
    順帶一提Eyes on me是本命曲❣❣❣

  15. 感謝老大的FF系列串燒!
    Eyes On Me的高音聽的有夠舒服的!!!

  16. RuRu老大お疲れ様でした!!👏🥳
    Yuna Cosplayも相変わらず最高です!!😀👍

  17. There are some real healer undercurrents in this medley. It certainly does my heart good to see Yuna at the piano again, and leading off with Suteki Da Ne really just set such a beautiful tone that continued throughout. It really was wonderful.

  18. Final Fantasy 神曲串燒,在這個為其他事奔忙,只能掛聽的夜,帶來說不盡的祥和寧靜、讓人忍不住懷念微笑的氣氛。RuRu 演繹的琴曲真是太美太動人心弦了,聽得好舒服、又好懷念。

  19. Man I cannot listen to Aeriths theme and not get choked up. It is such a beautiful piece of music but knowing what happens at the forgotten capital with her I was never the same hearing her theme. You nailed that intro to her theme

  20. And now it was more than 15 years ago, yet is still fresh on my memory. The lake dance, the separation on ship in last scene, zanarkan scene. And the wedding.

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