Music Box Dancer – (Piano Cover) The Piano Guys

"Music Box Dancer" from The Guys.
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About The Piano Guys:
Paul, a Yamaha dealership who dabbled in videography, Jon, an expert pianist, Al, a music producer and studio engineer, and Steve, a cellist with an imaginative superpower called ADHD, all serendipitously signed up with forces to produce the most effective YouTube crucial music group in history. The Piano Guys' mission is to influence and spread out hope through incomparably imaginative piano video filmed all over the world. On this channel you can frequently discover piano covers of music from genres like top 40, pop, traditional rock, R&B, hiphop, nation, and more. Ensure to subscribe and allow all post notifications. For instant updates, take a look at The Piano Guys via their social media accounts connected above.

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Music Box Dancer – () The Piano Guys

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  1. I miss seeing a music video for every new song, but I’m sure it takes a lot of time and money to shoot the videos. But the music is always beautiful nonetheless 💙

    1. Ditto – I miss the videos, too. Still grateful to have the music 🎼🎹🎻

    2. Sometimes music is just purely about the music and deserves full attention without distractions.

  2. Very beautiful and original! Something I could study or fall asleep to 🤍

  3. The moment I saw the notification that you guys had done this I got so excited. I’ve loved Music Box Dancer since it originally came out years ago. I love that you mixed in just a bit of that Christmas song about the goose is getting fat….can’t remember the title, but God Bless YOU for your beautiful rendition!

    1. Pretty much it’s “Christmas is Coming, the Goose is Getting Fat.” i like that song, too!

  4. Whenever I hear this song, it pricks my heart a little. This was the final song that my piano teacher was having me learn, before my parents decided to stop paying for my piano lessons. (I think they’d realized that I liked piano well enough, but I wasn’t passionate enough about it to warrant continuing with that expense.)

    I remember how happy I felt when I could finally play this song without making any major mistakes, and the song made me happy enough that I ended up committing it to memory. To this day, all these years later, I can still remember the melody line, and the feeling in my fingers is familiar. It’s a good feeling.

    So, yeah. Thank you, Piano Guys. It was good to hear this and be reminded. (Feliz Navidad and other Happy Holidays to you, by the way.)

  5. Sometimes I swear you two have a window into my soul. It was listening to this song in the dimly lit basement while my father fixed something on his work bench that made me fall in love with piano. The song would come on the transistor radio, and he’d turn it up to max volume, his joy lighting up the whole dark room. He’d shake his fingers as he twisted around in a little dance to the rhythm. Tonight, he lies in the hospital at 83, frail and wasting away, the joy gone from his face as he fights for every ounce of vital oxygen. I’m driving 7 hours with my son tomorrow to see him maybe for the final time before his light is gone forever. I’m going to play him your version to give him back a little of what he lost.

    1. God bless you and your family. Your father will love this, even if he is not able to respond, he will hear this and love this. Safe travels.

    2. Rebecca, I just read your comment and it brought tears thinking of my own father. I hope you and your father find peace this Christmas season. You are fortunate to have such a beautiful memory. ❤ sending 🙏

    3. I am so sorry, Rebecca, sending light, love, hugs, and surrounding your family in prayers! ❤️

    4. I recently lost my father to Covid just before his 90th birthday. I am sorry I never thought to take music into his room. I am sure it would have cheered him a bit in his last days. We both loved that song too. What a wonderful idea.

  6. Jon, I like what you’ve done with this piece. I like how you use certain sustained notes as drones and play very much in the style of George Winston. I’ve loved this song since I was small, and I think your version of it is even better than the original.

  7. This was one of the first things I learned to play publicly on the piano. It brings me back to simpler times, and it’s such a beautiful delicate piece of music.

  8. I’ve loved this song since I first heard it! So glad you guys made a cover if it

  9. That was beautiful, and was nice to just see a lovely background image to allow us to conjure up our own visuals without distraction.

  10. I love this Guys. So gentle and bright. I may have to add the sheet music for this to my Christmas list.

  11. This song is the earliest memory I have of music and is what I attribute my love of music to. I’m so glad you’ve done a version of this.

  12. One of my favorite songs…ever. I kind of wish we had some cello love in this version, but still beautiful, none-the-less. Thank you for making my Holiday with this song!

  13. I love this! My dad would play the Frank Mills version when I was little and my brothers and I would dance. This brings tears to my eyes as I remember those precious days gone by. -Karen

  14. This is absolutely amazing!! This was one of the first songs I learned to play on the piano and my mom and dad would always request it. This is really tender to me as my dad passed away earlier this year. I needed this song this morning, thank you, pianoguys, for sharing your light and music with the world. ❤

  15. Not a Christmas Song in my book (I remember when it was released in the ’70s and never associated with Christmas). BUT, I absolutely love the TPG arrangement!! Once again, thank you for filling our worlds with beautiful music. Merry Christmas to you and your families!

  16. Oh I love this song. I’m so glad you did a version of Music Box Dancer.

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