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Hello everybody,.

Here's my of the OVERLORD IV opening style – "HOLLOW CRAVINGS" by OxT!

I obtained a couple of ideas from symphonic music when writing this arrangement. Among them that I have actually used extensively is the descending chromatic concept from Liszt's Concerto No. 1 (). I find that it matches the chromatic progression in the singing line of this tune quite well. See if you can find it at 0:21, 1:29 and 2:19.

The crazy left hand leaps after the chorus (1:13, 3:33) are also inspired by Liszt's bravura style. Besides this, the one-bar "cadenza" at 1:26 is a transposition from the coda of the last movement of Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1. Overall, I think the contrasting characteristics and articulation in between various sections is likewise quite reminiscence of classical music.

Of course, I have to point out the reality that I have actually re-written the bridge area (2:19). When I tried transcribing the initial guitar solo for the piano, it didn't sound good enough. Rather, I included a short cameo of the opening style from OVERLORD's first season (" Clattanoia" by OxT). Its chromatic progression fits in quite well with the rest of the arrangement.

Hope you enjoyed this video!

– Halcyon.
Take a look at more piano covers!.

Q: Where can I buy the MIDI screen?
A: The MIDI screen was used effects, not a real screen.
MIDI. Piano synthesizer: Roland FP-30X.

Sound library: Garritan CFX.
VFX software: Ashes(), Adobe AfterEffects. Credits. TV IV OP.

HOLLOW CRAVINGS./ Perfromed by OxT./ Made up by/ Masayoshi
Oishi, Tom-H@ck.
/ Piano arr.
. Unique thanks to my following fans on Patreon! End up being a fan here:.

Andrew Norton. Brian Boutilier. Hyzenthall. KDH. Lois Romanowicz. Mrs4s. SamA Lau.
Thomas Kwasny.
# #overlord _ anime #overlord # #pianocover.
bilibili mirror:.
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. ^ Free for a minimal time after upload. Due to copyright factors
, all sheet music for

my piano covers on this website are distributed for a cost. Thank you for understanding.


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About the Author: Virtual Piano Online


  1. you are strong , and you good Halcyon your music is so beautiful , I recommend always follow your passions, keep it up

  2. This OP is a banger. And your cover adds more to that. Great job Halcyon

  3. I am as hungry for more overlord content as the guy who made the title for the openings

  4. This piece this amazing, I can see u put a lot of time in it. Keep it up 🙂

  5. Brilliant showcase of different techniques! And those jumps are insane!!!

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