The Lord of the Rings Classic Music「Concerning Hobbits」Ru’s Piano Cover

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The Lord of the Rings Classic Music「Concerning Hobbits」Ru's

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  1. 這個精靈RuRu大家給過嗎?真的有精靈耳朵唷 ⁽⁽◟(∗ ˊωˋ ∗)◞ ⁾⁾
    💟Join RuRu’s Membership 加入會員支持RuRu:
    🎹「哈比村 Concerning Hobbits」 楽譜 Sheet Music:

  2. 久久一次的電影配樂又來了!這次是影史大作-魔戒中最經典的鄉村歌曲「Concerning Hobbits」,大家有從精靈RuRu優美的琴聲中找回童年回憶嗎?

    1. The Lord of the Rings: Rise to Warだ!
      New Smartphone Gameですね!演奏が楽しみです!

    2. 上週是仙女,這週是精靈 會不會下週是惡魔呢 哈哈哈哈 XD或是墮落天使呢 XD

  3. 超級經典系列(O

  4. In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hold, and that means comfort.

    1. Such an elegant and comforting way to begin one of the greatest stories ever told ☺️☺️

  5. 精靈公主RuRu真夢幻~✨

  6. Galadriel is taking to the piano 😍 Our ears shall be graced by the songs of the Valar indeed!

  7. 精靈

  8. RuRu… I thank you for sharing such beauty and splendor for your humble followers. I never would’ve guessed you’d do a Lord of the Rings cover, but I can already tell it’s going to be as magnificent as your lovely self 🥰

  9. Ya quiero escucharlo, seguramente será otro cover épico!!!

  10. Such an angel hehe, Ru-sama uwu 💛💛
    Subarashi, this will be amazing :3 🤍🤍

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