Here is the shanty theme for the character of Sutchress from Piggy: Branched Truths, which appears in the video game slighly slower.
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Sutchress Theme Skin – Piggy: Branched Realities – Official Soundtrack
I love your theme vids
I love your content!
This is gonna be lite!
Hi! 😃 I love your vids. SOOOO MUCH 💗!
i like this song!
It sounds like pirate budgey new theme
Oh you’re right👍
This was amazing great job as always Piano Vampire
Ah yes finally sutchress has a theme
amazing as always, vampire!
Dear piano vampire
To me I are heroic at playing piano
Can u plz do king bingus boss fight piano remix from raise a floppa
If u do…
I will never miss Ur premiers
This is a masterpiece
The dislike button should not even exist on Ur channel
also If u do my request…
I will like multiple times on it
There nothing that can beat u in playing piano REMIXS
I subbed!
I got that bell to all notifications!
And I be vibing to deez REMIXS
So I’m hyped
See u in the next vid u make
And also the shorter it’s uploaded
More support spreads
See ya
Your music gets me stuck looping it every time
This was so epic.
My man never disapponts
Amazing fits them so much
This theme do not fit the skin very well but anyways good vid
This really good! Sounds very happy like the blue Budgey one 🙂
Yea but this skin has a more creepy look then Budgey