Learn 4 Easy Chords to Quickly Play Thousands of Songs!

The simplest method to find out :
( All my students use this app too!).

This is a standard and simple for newbies who are interested to play pop tunes. 4 is all you need to literally play over a thousand tunes. In this video, I teach you these 4 with your left land and likewise reveal you examples of how you can utilize those to play a variety of pop songs!

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Learn 4 Easy Chords to Quickly Play Thousands of Songs!

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About the Author: Virtual Piano Online


  1. What are some pop song tutorials you’d like to see on this channel? 🙂

    1. I’m thrilled with what you have shown me, I have begged so many of my friends over the years, they have not shown me one key know at 77 I bought a keyboard and was lucky enough to find you, thank you so much, love it, I would also like to know how to read music as I have some sheet music from yesteryear.

  2. This is WONDERFUL!!!!! Beginner here and have just gone through all your videos and they are SO helpful! I especially liked that you played them slow and repeated! Thank you so much for these! Cheeryshirley
    P.S. My husband and I both have been enjoying these! They are so helpful!

    1. Thank you so much for checking out my stuff on this channel Cheeryshirley McF, it is greatly appreciated! What sort of content would you like to see more of in this channel? 🙂

    2. The Basics would be GREAT! My husband did purchase the Alfreds beginner piano course for me, but without a teacher, it is a little difficult! But, YOU are a GREAT teacher! So, yep, the basics…just like you’re doing! Thanks so very much! Cheeryshirley

  3. When playing the block cords, it is easier to know when to introduce the chord in the melody. It kind of falls natural when to introduce the block chord. But, when playing a broken chord, how do you know to combine the broken chord simultaneously with the melody?


  4. so Helpful! I’m picking up piano lessons again and this totally helped me with trying our patterns, hand placement et cetera. Thank you!

  5. Thank you so much for this wonderful video! I’m a passionate piano enthusiast without professional training but I do play by ear and learn chords on my own 🙂 this request is pretty basic, but could you make a tutorial for the 4 songs you described in this video? And also, Moondust by Jaymes Young?

  6. Hi Jazer…I stumbled into you channel. Thank you for your efforts. Are you able to do in-depth tutorials on the pop songs shown here soonest ? Cheers

  7. Great tutor! Everybody can learn from you! If you could provide tutorial for the song “You Light Up my Life” by Leann Rimes, it will be really great and helpful. I’ll wait for it. thank you so much!

  8. You teach so well! Thanks for the video. I have put it to good use as I play melody by ear and these chords add depth.

  9. Thanks it is great and I like it , my first lesson and I got these cords. Quite easy to continue and well explained

  10. I love your lesson on how to use 4 easy chords to play music. Wish to learn more from you.

  11. Thank you so much 😊 for your beautiful style of explaining the steps and to play it slowly for more teaching 👍🏻😊

  12. Your teaching is really clear, practical and fun. I’m having so much pleasure discovering the piano from your lessons. Thanks so much.

  13. I’m really enjoying your tutorials!! One popular song I’d love to see you show is Paul McCartney’s Mull of Kintyre.

  14. Wow ! I think so far you’re the easiest and the best I had watched . I’m 67 yr old grandma trying to learn to play the piano so I can teach my granddaughter to love to play it . I had always wanted to learn since I was a little child but parents are not able to afford to send me to school . Please make more video tutorials on easiest songs with easiest piano chords . I love the way you teach , so calm , not intimidating for an old beginner . You make it so easy to learn . Forever grateful to you . Thank you Mr Jazer Lee 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😊💕

    1. You are absolutely right grandma i wish you the best of luck with your practice. You are never too old to learn haha

    2. I’m 41 and struggling to find the time. I’ve always wanted to play and vought a piano….I just need to find the time

  15. Extremely helpful and easy to follow Thank you so much Can’t wait to practice

  16. As always, love the vid. Three of those chords you used in the making scale fun vid, right? Also, how do you determine the repeat pattern? Trial and error?

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