This is most likely the most emotional plan I have done in a while. The "classical"- design Animenz is returning this time and I transformed the lovely song "Sakayume" from King Gnu into a Piano Ballad. I hope you will enjoy this unique type arrangement.
( longer video description in development, please look back later on).
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Sheet music will be offered very soon!
Download link will appear here.
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Piano plan by Animenz.
Original Tune: Sakayume/ 逆夢.
Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen 0: The Movie/ 劇場版 呪術廻戦 0.
Published by: Sony Music Labels Inc
. Made up by: Daiki Tsuneta/ 常田 大希.
Carried out by: King Gnu.
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#jujutsukaisen #sakayume #kinggnu.
Arguably one of my most favorite EDs. Thank you, Animenz
Edit: You’ve been making a lot of covers recently and I also really love how you ALWAYS (IMO)completely outclass everyone else’s covers everytime you upload, truly quality>quantity. I never mind waiting for any of your covers because in the end, it’s always gorgeous. I hope you continue to make more beautiful and amazing covers!
I always give 110% for every single one of my videos, because even after 12 years of YouTube activity, I am still passionate about making anime piano arrangements! 💙
@Animenz Piano Sheets and this is why ive been following you since i was in junior high & now im almost out of college & never once i stopped waiting for your covers❤️
King Gnu songs hit different
The vocals were awesome in the original song
When i watched him playing piano. I imagine that i am in his place performing piano music towards my audience. My imagination levels me in perfect pianist 😁
Animenz Channel is the example of “Hard Work Pays Off”💪😊
Невероятной красоты исполнение,музыка вдохновляет,возносит и преисполняет
I’ve been waiting in extreme anticipation for a jjk 0 song to be covered since the day I heard them, and Animenz always surpasses that expectation! Keep these amazing anime covers coming👌
This man will keep moving forward no matter what. The result of his continued hardwork and passion has led to this masterpiece. The contrary motion, the double melody, the beautiful and carefully construct chord voicing that place on the right register at the right time. The classical homage at the end. Truly this Animenz style at his best, as well as the best work he has done this year. Simply amazing and inspiring.
Great job Animenz!
Happy to hear that I can still inspire people, even after 12 years! Thank you, CSM!
Hi Animenz, I just wanted to say that your amazing in every way…i have such a love for the piano even though ive never been properly trained – there’s something about it that makes me feel like I can do anything, be anything, well that’s the power of music I guess….I started watching your pieces and they make me feel so alive, thank you 💛 and i hope that you’ll find the strength to compose these amazing pieces as you grow through the years, I’ll be watching then too 😉
And I’ll be there to read your comments <3
And sometimes even reply
>[…] there’s something about it that makes me feel like I can do anything, be anything […]
Really well said! This is exactly why I also love music.
I was sold on purchasing the sheets as soon as I heard the chorus. Every passage in this arrangement was absolutely perfect. I’m really glad I made it to the premiere!
The harmonic progression reminds me of some famous classical piece, was it a Chopin nocturne or Handel suite? And one transition reminds me of Beethoven style. Well done, a very beautiful piece
I think I was mostly inspired by Brahms Piano Concerto No.1, mov 3. The cadenza has a similar Arpeggio segment, where the key is slowly changing
After watching the Jujutsu Kaisen movie last week in the cinema, I simply couldn’t forget the beautiful Ending Song “Sakayume” from King Gnu. I was so obsessed with this song, I spend the next few days to arrange, practice and polish my arrangement until it evolved into this special piano arrangement with a classical music finale at the end.
Sometimes, I just need the right music in the right time to make this kind of special arrangement.
Thank you for watching this video! I will continue doing my best.
This one touched my heart, great job!
Will there be a sheet ? This arrangement is so beautifull ❤️❤️❤️
Haha I had the exact same obsession and tried so hard to sing it. Still sounds horrible as always tho
Then instantly Ichizu hits after
legit the opposite vibe to this song XD
Edit: grammer mistake lol
インスピレーションを得て すぐに、手間をかけてアレンジされた生まれたての曲。いつもと少し違う感じも良くて、お気に入りのアレンジがまた1つ増えました🎵チャットで応援出来なかったからごめんなさい〰️素敵なアレンジをありがとうございます~✨🎼🎹
the build-up starting from 5:00 and lead to a sudden drop in 5:50 then a crescendo leading to a grand ending is extraordinary
Haven’t watched the movie yet but loved the song from the trailer and your arrangement is lit as usual. Sasuga animenz-sama.
I am still surprised at the efficiency of this genius… My dreams are to play all his arrangements haha
Here I was thinking that it would be a while before Animenz topped his arrangement of “Avid”. Less than a month later he proved me wrong. Looking forward to the next arrangement.
I really wish I got to watch the movie, this is one of the most beautiful and emotional covers you’ve done
Same I couldn’t go becouse I’m under 16
This was so beautifully played! Really heartfelt and arranged amazingly! I hope to become a pianist as good as you one day… Please continue to give us covers like this, you are absolutely fantastic! お疲れさまでした !
Sakayume is so emotional that the impressive background tempo of drum was hard to modified. What an amazing thought to transcribe it in to ballade!!! Especially love the ending part when the whole song slow down, deep sorrow turning into the seem that, finally, Rika and Yuta realize their sad but true feelings to each other were not curse anymore.
Fabulous arrangement! I always love your ballades, Everyday World is in my top ten from your channel 😉
this guy needs way more recognition he is so underrated