Britney Spears, Elton John – Hold Me Closer | Piano Tutorial

Britney Spears, Elton John – Hold Me Closer (in the key of C Major) ( / Lesson).
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Arranged and taped by Will McMillan.

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Britney Spears, Elton John – Hold Me Closer | Piano

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  1. IT’S BRITNEY B💥, never thought in my lifetime we would get these two legends in a duet but it makes sense when you hear it 🙂 hoping Britney will continue her return to pop music 🤞

    1. @Felipe Vannucci Definetly time to do more Britney 🙂 give me some suggestions i can think of so many that i havent covered yet, stronger, slave 4 u, circus , criminal

    2. @Piano Hits! [Pandapiano] Sometimes
      Born to make you happy
      Slumber party
      Swimming in the stars
      From the bottom of my broken heart
      My prerogative
      Breathe on me
      Gimme more
      Oops I did It again
      I’m a slave 4 you
      Pretty girls

  2. Very excited to listen to this when it comes out 😍 We need new Britney music. Hoping she will release more!

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