Can you name these Beatles songs in 2 seconds?

is a free to play video game where you have to Beatles tunes after just 2 seconds!

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Can you name these Beatles songs in 2 seconds?

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  1. There is also Heardle, which is the same thing, but with many different kind of songs, not just Beatles.

    1. Yes and there are also Heardles for specific artistst. For example Radiohead, david bowie, bon iver, phoebe bridgers. If you google a bit you can probably find them (and more)

    2. There’s also Songpop, I’ve been playing it on and off for some years. Besides the ads and the bots it can be a really fun experience for music lovers.

  2. It’s all fun and games until they lift the “Never Give Me Your Money” riff from “Carry That Weight.”

  3. The hooks are almost too prevalent but still cool. I feel you on the early stuff too. Great stuff, thanks!

  4. I got all 10. The problem was when your original vid got down to 1/2 second, just not enough context.
    As to Carry That Weight: I had to hear that first sample twice, but yeah I got it 🙂 You just have to know the sound will be muddier, bigger, more orchestral than YNGMYM.

  5. Loved the video! This is definitely going to be a site I show my family, we’ve all been huge Beatles fans over the years. I was surprised at how well I did playing along, the only one I couldn’t get was #8.

  6. Clearly you know your Beatles. I thought I knew a lot of their lesser known songs but apparently not and you got them straight away.

  7. I would kill to see Paul or Ringo play this! Please, God, let this be a real video… 🙏

  8. I’m the opposite. I didn’t get right some of the newer songs but got “I should have known better” instantly.

  9. It’s amazing how much better at this I was than the one-second version. My brain just doesn’t process things fast enough for that. Two seconds is much more doable. Granted, it helped that they used very identifiable parts of the song.

  10. There’s loads of these for all kinds of bands and artists. It’s worth checking out the Heardle subreddit for more.

  11. For really serious Beatles fans that have been listening to their songs for almost 60 years, 2 seconds is really a lot of time. Your original video was tougher. But I have to admit the Abbey Road medley is sometimes difficult and I missed it just like you did.

  12. This was a lot of fun to play along with, I do feel like the titles being sung in the clip is a bit of a giveaway but it’s still a really fun way to test your knowledge of Beatles songs

  13. Love the way you/we self-jinxed. Beadle says: Complain about too easy, would you? Let me take you down using the Abbey Road medley. Then hit you with I Should Have Known Better. And we should. We could hear the harmonica in our heads, but it didn’t lead right to the title.

  14. I also got all 10 easily, but then I’ve been listening to ALL The Beatles songs for 50 years, not just the later ones. I wouldn’t have thought you’d be stumped by a song from A Hard Day’s Night. I thought the Carry That Weight clue, actually both clues, were a little bit sneaky, playing the melody of a totally different song and all. Much, much easier than the 1 second version of the game.

  15. After doing some more rounds in my free time it’s clear to see that the website isn’t perfect. Playing around 35 times I was constantly getting repeat songs – I got hey Jude at least 4 times. Also I got All Things Must Pass by George Harrison which wasn’t released on any Beatles album (except for apparently a compilation album). Sometimes it will be more or less impossible like I got the very end of roll over Beethoven once; I got the ending chord but then I couldn’t really figure it out since your mind can’t work out the song backwards very well (but then again this will just be down to chance and isn’t really the dev’s fault). Lastly they had an orchestral version of while my guitar gently weeps which was a bit unfair since it sounded nothing like the original and I only got it once the lyrics said ‘I don’t know why…’

    But honestly besides the fact that you are given the tutorial every time you click next song and the constant repeats that happened (about half of the songs I went through were repeated) the website is pretty fun.

  16. It’s odd that Beadle puts “Don’t Let Me Down” with the “Let It Be” album cover, since the song was not on that album.
    I performed exactly like David through round eight, but I recognized “I Should Have Known Better”. I grew up listening to my parents’ early Beatles albums, so no way am I going to miss this. So 9 out of 10 – and I missed the ‘Carry that Weight’ round.

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