Bocchi the Rock! Ep. 8 Live Song – “That band” – Piano Cover / Kessoku Band

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This is my cover of "That band", the song that played on stage, from Bocchi the Rock Episode 8.

Bocchi's guitar solo is so cool.
▼ Check out more piano covers! 作品再生リスト

Q: Where can I buy the MIDI screen?
A: The MIDI display was made using effects, not a real screen.

Keyboard: Roland FP-30X
Sound library: Garritan CFX
VFX software: MIDI Visualizer ( ), Adobe AfterEffects

▼ Credits
歌 / Performed by:結束バンド /
作曲 / Composed by:草野華余子 / Kayoko Kusano
ピアノアレンジ / Piano arr.:HalcyonMusic

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Andrew Norton
Brian Boutilier
Lois Romanowicz
SamA Lau
Thomas Kwasny

#ぼっちざろっく #結束バンド #BocchiTheRock # #pianocover

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^ Free for a limited time after upload. Due to copyright reasons, all for my piano covers on this website are distributed for a fee. Thank you for understanding.

Bocchi the Rock! Ep. 8 Live Song – "That band" – Piano Cover / Kessoku Band

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About the Author: Virtual Piano Online


  1. Seems like halcyon is really enjoy songs from bocchi the rock❤️. *to be honest tho, what isn’t there to love about these songs*

  2. It this rate I can confirm that we all here surely cause we are all fans of kessoku band.. Btw, this piano cover really on point with the original 💯🤩 Man please keep on uploading!! 🙏

  3. Will you cover all 14 songs? Will wait for that!
    This is amazing btw.

  4. Thanks so much for making this cover!! I especially love the way you arranged Bocchi’s solo

  5. ぼっちソロも入ってて凄い…

  6. I’ve been watching your covers before, and only recently I was able to see your Bocchi covers as of late. Glad to say your piano’s improved so much from the last time I heard it. No other piano cover of this will probably come close!

  7. For some reason it’s so satisfying how you arranged the left hand part at 3:04 . This is definitely a very well made arrangement! Could feel those rocky vibes. Someone just put halcy in Kessoku Band

    1. It’s actually the lead guitar’s melody in the first verse of the original song!

    2. @HalcyonMusic / ハルシオン Anime Piano Covers ohhhhh damn I forgot LOL

  8. 2:43 i love that!

    great cover 10/10

    (would’ve been 11/10 if you included a go-pro camera angle, just kidding)

    1. If you have one, can I borrow yours? 😀

  9. よ!まってました!非常に原曲再現度、精度共に高く圧巻な演奏にいつも魅了されております。ちょうどこの曲を弾いてほしいと思っていた時でした。これから鬼リピします笑

  10. Holy sheet the SOLO AT THE BEGINNING

    The entire arrangement is so nice! Love it >.<

  11. Jesus, you actually went and covered the solo at the beginning!! It sounds amazing on piano as well~~

  12. Amazing cover Halcyon! One of my favorite songs from Kessoku Band done flawlessly. Keep up the great work!

  13. What an arrangement!!! Benn wondering how this sounded on the piano after watching the series a few days ago it sounds soo good!!! That intro was the best part!!!

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