Ghost – Justin Bieber (Piano & Cello Cover) The Piano Guys

"Ghost" by Justin Bieber & cover from .
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Paul, a Yamaha dealer who dabbled in videography, Jon, an expert pianist, Al, a music manufacturer and studio engineer, and Steve, a cellist with an innovative superpower called ADHD, all serendipitously joined forces to develop the most successful YouTube important music group in history. The Piano Guys' mission is to inspire and spread hope through incomparably creative piano video filmed all over the world. On this channel you can regularly discover piano covers of music from categories like top 40, pop, traditional rock, R&B, hiphop, country, and more. Make sure to subscribe and allow all post notifications. For instant updates, check out The Piano Guys through their social networks accounts linked above.

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Ghost – Justin Bieber (Piano & ) The Piano Guys

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  1. This is beautiful. Just lost my beautiful little sister at 49 to cancer and this hits to my spirit

    1. So very sorry for your loss and pray that happy memories fill your heart. <3

  2. I just adore their adaptations. Plus, it increasingly is true for long term play I prefer theirs over original source.

  3. So beautiful ! I dont know the original, but it is so smooth and etherral, with a beautiful orchestration, it conveys much more emotion than any original piece with lyrics.
    Thank you for this pianoguys !

  4. I literally thought this was a Justin Bieber/Ghost mashup and was intrigued. 😂 This is insanely beautiful though.

  5. This is amazing. Thank you guys so much for your dedication and for sharing your talents with us. You guys are awesome!

  6. Beautiful! Great job, Guys! I only wish there was some classical music mashed up in there – like old times.

  7. Loved this! So beatiful, this music makes me cry. I love you guys. It was so good to attend the meet and greet at the MDM resort! Much love

    ~Cole Austin and Family.

  8. Any day I get to start with some Piano Guys magic is always a better one! FR

  9. As always- I rarely know the originals but always prefer your interpretation of anything you do. Your gifts, love for what you do and dedication are so much a part of why I love your music. Listening to your music and spending time in the Word are an important part to my every day life. Can’t wait to see you in October.

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