Lycoris Recoil ED 「Hana no Tou」 Piano Cover/ Sayuri

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Hello everyone!

This is my cover of the ED – "Hana no Tou" by Sayuri.

It's my first time using the new set up at my new home. I'm still experimenting with different camera angles, so you may see things change a bit in the next few videos.

is definitely one of the strongest contenders for Anime of the Season. The story's premise is quite interesting, and the chemistry between Chisato and Takina is very fun to watch.

I used some three-hand techniques for the second verse in this piano arrangement, but it's relatively compared to the left hand jumps in the chorus 😉

Hope you enjoyed this cover, and see you next time!

– HalcyonMusic
▼ Check out more piano covers! 作品再生リスト

Q: Where can I buy the MIDI screen?
A: The MIDI display was made using effects, not a real screen.

Piano keyboard: Roland FP-30X
Sound library used: Garritan CFX
VFX software: Embers ( ), Adobe AfterEffects

▼ Credits
「花の塔 」
歌 / Performed by:さユり / Sayuri
作曲 / Composed by:さユり / Sayuri
ピアノアレンジ / Piano arr.:HalcyonMusic

▼ Special thanks to my following supporters on Patreon!
Become a supporter here:
Andrew Norton
Brian Boutilier
Lois Romanowicz
SamA Lau
Thomas Kwasny

#anime #lycorisrecoil # # #アニソン #弾いてみた

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^ Free for a limited time after upload. Due to copyright reasons, all sheet music for my piano covers on this website are distributed for a fee. Thank you for understanding.

Lycoris Recoil ED 「Hana no Tou」 Piano Cover/ Sayuri

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About the Author: Virtual Piano Online


  1. Reminds me of SLS but its definitely refreshing to see some new persepctives

  2. I’m very happy that you covered this song! It’s one of my favorites of the current season

    1. I’m trying out a few ideas, but I like this camera angle too!

  3. Love this song. Really well-played. Song always reminds me of Super Monkey Ball’s Hello Hello Banana! Love that song too lol. 🙈🍌

  4. Always the best quality cover! Thank you for playing this song, love it so much 🙂

  5. I literally couldn’t find anyone playing this outro or the sheets! So glad you went ahead and did it yourself! I shall be buying your sheet for this song now haha.

  6. Hi Halcyon – Your Sayuri piano cover was spectacular! Your fingers moved like highly skilled lightening over the keyboard! I subscribed to your channel. Marc Filmer (piano composer)

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