Yes don’t give up! My son played it on our channel. You can do it you don’t have to give up because Peter Buka starts an amazing version, I’m sure you can play it too in your version 🙌🏻🎹
@LadanzaTube I’ve seen your channel yes your son is talented
Well I don’t play piano but I am playing violin for 9 months and the progress is amazing as long as you start practicing a peice its never difficult!
@Kartikay Poonia thank you Kartikay 🤗🎹💖 we’re playing just self taught both and giving our best with all our heart in it! Oh and violin an interesting instrument too! What piece you actually practicing there?
So I just found you and you are awesome!! Thank you. But my son and daughter love you too… my son (7) singing pirates of the… all day and here is you playing it! Made our day!!!!
you inspired me to pay for real lessons not just apps or online courses , i dont have high ambitions but if i only could do half you do i would be so proud of myself
At the beggining I was like yeah I’m doing it ez but when you started the hard part I was like oh yeah I’m not playing it anymore!
Yes don’t give up! My son played it on our channel. You can do it you don’t have to give up because Peter Buka starts an amazing version, I’m sure you can play it too in your version 🙌🏻🎹
@LadanzaTube I’ve seen your channel yes your son is talented
Well I don’t play piano but I am playing violin for 9 months and the progress is amazing as long as you start practicing a peice its never difficult!
@Kartikay Poonia thank you Kartikay 🤗🎹💖 we’re playing just self taught both and giving our best with all our heart in it! Oh and violin an interesting instrument too! What piece you actually practicing there?
@LadanzaTube I’ve been practicing crystalize by Lindsey Stirling.
@Kartikay Poonia ah okay have to look up that one, don’t know it by name at least!
Been watching you since you were at 275k subs, commenting in almost every vid a watch, and I WATCH ALOT, to do this piece, cant wait
Wow this is amazing 💖🎹 love all your videos! and this was wished from so many lately great you do it 🙌🏻
That’s just the practise, imagine how he would be playing *when its COMPLETED*
АААА как же круто!!! Столько лет ждала, и вот оно свершилось! Ты сыграл пиратов, и это было восхитительно! Лучший!🤩👍
I hope he make a full cover, I mean if this is practicing for him, then his cover will be on an other level
I am an ex-musician, I used to play piano but you have inspired me and I am going to play piano again.
if thats practising, i dont know what ive been doing my whole life
Peter, I can’t wait! This will be another favourite!! Best, John
Yes, I’ve been waiting for this. And I’m not even that much into piano, but this guy plays so good.
Çok muhteşem çalıyorsun umarım ben de senin gibi bir gün çalarım ve ellerine sağlık
We just finished watching these movies and they are great! I absolutely love this Theme Songs!
Как всегда красиво!💣
Amazing music man! I love pirates of the Caribbean 👌
Waiting since 3 years for this man to play this piece. Hope it comes out soon
Can I just say this man takes his costumes very seriously. I love the dedication to even wear parrot socks
I guess that whiskey helped unlocking the little potential left to be unlocked 😂😂. Seriously, you are great buddy
So I just found you and you are awesome!! Thank you. But my son and daughter love you too… my son (7) singing pirates of the… all day and here is you playing it! Made our day!!!!
*”This is insane!😱can you play Pirates of the Caribbean next time?”*
~ _Ruben Lagerweij_
He actually said that two months ago, and two months later the king is playing.
Comment video link:
Everyone: OMG, he is playing so good
Me: Nice socks
even when he’s just “practicing” it sounds perfect
you inspired me to pay for real lessons not just apps or online courses , i dont have high ambitions but if i only could do half you do i would be so proud of myself