The Storyteller – Original song by The Piano Guys

"The Writer" by The Guys
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About The Piano Guys:
Paul, a Yamaha dealer who meddled videography, Jon, a professional pianist, Al, a music producer and studio engineer, and Steve, a cellist with a creative superpower called ADHD, all serendipitously joined forces to produce the most successful YouTube important music group in history. The Piano Guys' mission is to influence and spread out hope through incomparably creative piano music videos recorded all over the world. On this channel you can frequently find piano covers of music from genres like top 40, pop, traditional rock, R&B, hiphop, country, and more. Ensure to subscribe and enable all post alerts. For instantaneous updates, take a look at The Piano Guys through their social media accounts connected above.

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The Storyteller – Original song by The Piano Guys

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About the Author: Virtual Piano Online


  1. God bless you guys, thank you for sharing such incredibly beautiful, passionate, real music. You continue to inspire musicians worldwide with the joy in your composition and performance. I pray that God will continue to direct your steps as Jesus walks with you 🙂 Much joy, from Australia 🙏👏

    1. Greetings Family.

      I apologize for the constant text.

      I’m in the middle of teaching.

      I used this method to draft out what I’m teaching. Being this form of text to you allows me to include the entire text message. Instead of cutting It short.

      Have a blessed experience in the school of life today. Filled with it’s many teachers. Specializing in different Study Courses: Real Experiences in this School of Life’s many lessons. We’ve learned from Teachers we’ve experienced. Whether good (highest vibration of Christ consciousness) or bad (Lowest vibration of Anti-Christ Consciousness which transgresses against the laws of morality written in Exodus 20).

      We are all teachers. That teaches someone what to do or what not to do. By our own examples that we set for others.

      Again, have a blessed experience in the School of life.

      Don’t forget your teaching:

      For it is written: Proverbs 3:1

      My son, do not forget my teaching, But have your heart comply with my commandments (Exodus 20 Law);

      It is written:

      Study to show yourself approved. A worker (student in the school of life & The Courses of life) needing not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of Truth.

      Silver and Gold have I none.

      However, The Spirtual Treasures of Living Waters living within me, that leads one on the “Straight & Narrow” path of “Everlasting Life”….

      I like Christ Our Savior….

      Also, Render unto thee (You Elders, Sisters and Brethren)

      The humble Messenger serving you this day:

      (LDS) Latter Day Saint, Daughter of The Most High El Elyons, Servant of all.

      I will now take my leave.


  2. While I miss your videos, the music is still top notch. Beautiful!

    Edit: Was it my imagination but I heard just a touch of Bach slipped in.

    1. Greetings Family.

      I apologize for the constant text.

      I’m in the middle of teaching.

      I used this method to draft out what I’m teaching. Being this form of text to you allows me to include the entire text message. Instead of cutting It short.

      Have a blessed experience in the school of life today. Filled with it’s many teachers. Specializing in different Study Courses: Real Experiences in this School of Life’s many lessons. We’ve learned from Teachers we’ve experienced. Whether good (highest vibration of Christ consciousness) or bad (Lowest vibration of Anti-Christ Consciousness which transgresses against the laws of morality written in Exodus 20).

      We are all teachers. That teaches someone what to do or what not to do. By our own examples that we set for others.

      Again, have a blessed experience in the School of life.

      Don’t forget your teaching:

      For it is written: Proverbs 3:1

      My son, do not forget my teaching, But have your heart comply with my commandments (Exodus 20 Law);

      It is written:

      Study to show yourself approved. A worker (student in the school of life & The Courses of life) needing not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of Truth.

      Silver and Gold have I none.

      However, The Spirtual Treasures of Living Waters living within me, that leads one on the “Straight & Narrow” path of “Everlasting Life”….

      I like Christ Our Savior….

      Also, Render unto thee (You Elders, Sisters and Brethren)

      The humble Messenger serving you this day:

      (LDS) Latter Day Saint, Daughter of The Most High El Elyons, Servant of all.

      I will now take my leave.


  3. This song carries you off to an entirely new place; to an amazing and magical land of mystery and imagination. Thank you for sharing your incredible talents with us. It’s a gift to the ears that connects with the soul.

  4. I can’t even express how this moved my heart this morning… beautiful inspiration and heart felt emotion. 🔥🔥🔥❤️ just 🥹 🔥🔥🔥

  5. Thank you, Piano Guys, for bringing a piece of heaven to our ears and hearts! Wish the best for you and for yours.🥰

  6. Makes me feel like I’m soaring above the clouds and into the heavens. Gorgeous! 🎵🎹🎶

  7. Wow this gave me chills, and nearly tears. Definitely added to my writing playlists so I can enjoy this masterpiece while I create worlds and write them on paper

  8. Wow! How do I even find words? This moved me to tears. You’ve created and played this with such passion and emotion that it flows through every note and directly into my soul. I praise and thank God for you every day. I am so looking forward to meeting you in October. I already know it won’t be nearly enough time for me but I am so grateful for the opportunity to shake hands with such gifted men.

  9. How can some people refuse to see that music is THE way to feed the soul ?
    You two (four !) make us feel that, thank you.

  10. Incredibly inspiring, moving to the most infinite tenderness….!!!!
    What a beauty of inspiration you have!!!!!
    God Bless your wonderful talent…..!!!
    Si señor…Bravo…Braviiiiisimo!!!!

  11. This is Beautiful! Along with your other song you just released. How did you guys get so good?! Never stop playing. You guys are so inspirational!!

    Edit: I’m looking forward to your concert this December in Salt Lake!

  12. I absolutely love the covers and arrangements these folks do. It’s an amazing thing. I hope that keep it up for many years to come.

  13. Inexplicável a explosão de sentimentos ao ouvir essa canção. Magnífica. Sem palavras! Amo vocês! ❤️ Obrigada.🇧🇷

  14. Music like this makes me wish I could animate. Picturing some protagonists having to fly through a storm to escape pursuing baddies, and finally break cloud cover at that crescendo and see the stars for the first time or something. Glorious stuff.

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