Unstoppable – Sia (Piano & Cello Cover) The Piano Guys

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Paul Anderson, a Yamaha dealership who meddled videography, Jon Schmidt, a professional pianist, Al van der Beek, a music producer and studio engineer, and Steven Sharp Nelson, a cellist with a creative superpower called ADHD, all serendipitously signed up with forces to develop the most successful YouTube crucial music group in history. The Piano Guys' objective is to influence and spread out hope through incomparably imaginative piano video filmed all over the world. On this channel you can regularly discover piano covers of music from categories like leading 40, pop, timeless rock, R&B, hiphop, country, and more. Make certain to subscribe and make it possible for all post notices. For instantaneous updates, take a look at The Piano Guys via their social networks accounts connected above.

# #PianoCover #CelloCover #Piano #Cello #ThePianoGuys

– Sia (Piano & Cello ) The Piano Guys

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  1. I listen to your songs about 10 years now. It is like the first time every time I listen

  2. Thanks for making great covers for some of the best songs! Love the Piano Guys!

  3. Beautiful! I don’t follow pop music so I have no idea what this was based on but know that your composition and performance is wonderful. Thank you!

  4. Wow, I enjoyed this way more than I thought I would…. the energy is incredible! Been enjoying all the new songs recently, but definitely miss seeing you guys!

  5. I love that song! 🥰 You guys are so talented, so enjoy your music! 😍💖❤️🎹🎻

  6. BOM dia. Parabéns pelo vídeo,sou apaixonado por essa música e ficou magnífica linda sendo tocada por vocês.❤️❤️❤️❤️

  7. Amazing as always! I would love to see a video of how you come up with your arrangements. They are way more than cello and piano. How do you put them all together? Thanks for sharing your music with the rest of us!

  8. Sencillamente Espectacular!!!! Es un deleite para el Oido y para todo el cuerpo escuchar y sentir este cover, me encantó

  9. Absolutely WONDERFUL!! This one had me so lost in thought….I nearly forgot to get back to what I had been doing! I kept hitting REPLAY!! 🥰

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