How to play piano: The basics, Piano Lesson #1

This is a video meant for individuals who want to play piano.

And yes, it's free, I believe individuals anywhere deserve a possibility to find out play piano for free! It's a worldwide language and piano along with music is such a terrific ability to have.

This is a reshoot of the old series of piano begun by

Here is a link to a chart of a piano summary of all my piano lessons. This chart shows whatever I cover. To see the index go here.

If you're wanting to buy a to start playing piano check this page out to see my piano recommendations.

How to play piano: The basics, Piano Lesson #1

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About the Author: Virtual Piano Online


    1. @Kekekek364 plays New …al the while your ”too” was ”to” err too short.

    2. @Funnyizer i’m too surprised there are these many advertisers, I’ve seen 3 under a comment at max

  1. This man is liking comments 11 years after the video was posted what a legend

  2. The reason why I want to learn how to play the piano is that whenever I’m sad/angry I could play the piano dramatically like the movies

  3. 2:23 Number system and keys
    10:39 Hand position
    15:08 C major scale and how to make a tuck
    18:48 how to play twinkle twinkle little star
    Afterwards is just his philosophy.

    1. @Andrew Furmanczyk Can you add this to the description of this video? There’s a new YouTube feature that makes you know which part you’re on the video

  4. I don’t even own a piano, but I had so much fun with this lesson! All these fun tips to memorize the notes made me smile ^ ^ Hopefully, when I do get a chance to use a piano, I’ll definitely use these videos as a way to learn! You are very kind!! ^ ^

  5. I just brought a piano, once it comes in, these lessons will be all I watch. Thank you so much for the work you put into these videos

    1. I did, I fell off because I went to college but I learned a couple songs and the majors, minors, and chords. I found an app as well that teaches and hears what keys you play. I plan to get back to practicing.

  6. I’ve had this playlist saved for several years. I finally bought a digital piano and am so excited to begin these lessons, along with your music theory lessons. I appreciate the warmth and sincerity of your videos. Very cool of you to make these videos, and I’m so happy they are still available :-).

    1. hi! would like to know if the lessons on youtube has worked for you. You see, i will be getting one soon. It has always been a dream, and it seems that it will become reality now. So I would really like to know if I need a physical piano teacher or I could just learn from youtube. Thank you!❤️

    2. Sorry to disappoint but I never started 😅. I have every intention to begin this but I started a piano playing program. This would be a good addition but I haven’t found the time.
      That being said, you can absolutely learn on your own if you are motivate and I think this course is A1.

    3. But it would nice to do one or two live lessons to have someone critique your posture and technique. Maybe for each new level you reach.

  7. 10 first minutes teached me more than I learned when I was trying to learn by myself (for like a week or so), thank you!

  8. This dude is so nice. I miss how happy and chill people were back in 2008. I wonder how hes doing

    1. Yeah and hes still even commenting on this video even if its from 12 years ago!!!

  9. When I first discovered my grandpa’s old keyboard, I tried to watch tutorials for specific songs and I realised I wasn’t learning anything. Then I decided to look for piano tutorials but so many apps required payment, so I once again turned to YouTube. And on my journey, I found a video of yours and now I have to say that I am extremely grateful towards you! I wonder if you knew that 12 years later people would still be watching your videos…

  10. after nearly 13 years, ur still the top of the list when you search “how to play piano” — very excited to embark on this journey with you.

    1. @Courtney Moore finished Alfred’s adult piano course 1. I’ve memorized the first few exercises of Hannon with great timing. I’ve been working on improving technique, and I have become a significantly better typist since march.

  11. I started learning from your channel, and trust me, you have helped a lot in my progress on the keys. Thank you so much❤️

  12. Just went through a really rough spot in my life, so I decided to learn piano at 22 years old and in my last semester of college. Thank you for making these videos when you did 12 years ago! I’m definitely gonna check out the others!

  13. I just bought a keyboard and this is how I’m learning, going really well so far!

  14. In addition to the great hair, you’re easy to follow and your explanation of play is very informative. Thank you!

  15. I learned more in this 25 mins lesson than I did in my last 10 hours piano class. Thanks a lot for you efforts, it’s really appreciated! 🙂

  16. This is my official first lesson. I of course have to listen and practice this like 3x today in order to get it, but I’m very impressed with your teaching methods. Thank you😊

    1. You’re very welcome! It’s a great idea to watch multiple times to help the info sink in better.

  17. Outstanding introductory lesson. Andrew is like the Bob Ross of piano. Thank you!

  18. Andrew – I remember watching this video when I was 13 years old and beginning to learn the piano. It was the first tutorial I ever watched as a kid. Well, now I’m an adult and officially a PIANO TEACHER! I just wanted to say thank you – because your video helped kickstart my journey of learning piano! I love music and love teaching it! 🎹😁🎶

    1. Did you join any professional course after that? I would like to know if you managed to master it using slef learning.

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