Mini Huggies Theme Song – Whack A Wuggy – Poppy Playtime

Fan made song for the , or Huggy Buddies from .
Especially developed for playing the function of minor villains in the Whack-a-Wuggy minigame in the second chapter of , the are the mini versions of .

The Mini Huggies be available in various fur colors, consisting of yellow, blue, red, and green colors. The furry beings have two long legs, and their hands are capable of grasping things. It appears that they can not move their thumb and fingers independently.

Although the Mini Huggies are ten times smaller in size than the , they appear human-sized when they jumpscare the gamers.

They reveal the rows of little teeth when upset. Their big bright lips and big eyes with huge black pupils make their appearances appear a bit amusing.

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Mini Huggies Theme Song – Whack A Wuggy – Poppy Playtime

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  1. 3 hours everybody he is practicing so might wanna give him some space

  2. They’re smaller but, they’re still a menace. Plus, there’s multiple.

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