Sadness and Sorrow (FINAL BATTLE ver.) – Naruto OST [Piano]

This piano plan is basically a "piano fantasy" of Sadness and Grief and it's retelling the entire life story of . His isolation, his exciting adventures, and his significant end of the world with his friend Sasuke – all this can be heard in the music.

There are six chapters in this piano plan:

0:00 1. Unhappiness and Sadness
2:32 2. Konohagakure
4:05 3. Hinata's Love
5:13 4. Jiraya's Legacy
6:25 5. End Of The World with Sasuke
7:17 6. The Seal of Reconciliation

Each chapter is using the melody of Sadness and Grief in a different variation. I also composed a few shifts to efficiently connect each chapter into one whole story.

1. Unhappiness and Sadness 0:01
had a rough childhood and I still remember the unfortunate scene, where Naruto was sitting all alone on the swing, declined by his peers. I attempted to mimic the sound of a Shamisen (Japanese Instrument) by utilizing either tremolos 1:00 or finger repeating in 1:31. The Shamisen is greatly included in the Soundtrack of Naruto and I just enjoy the ephemeral sound it produces.

2. Konohagakure 2:32
The next chapter starts with a "drop" in 2:32, depicting the swift movements of the Shinobis in Konohagakure, Naruto's home village. It represents Naruto's Shinobi training arc and the tune of Unhappiness and Sorrow acquires a lot more momentum with the highlighted rhythm in the left hand in 3:20.

3. Hinata's love 4:05
Hinata played a crucial role in Naruto's life and I made up a short initial melody to present her in this chapter. I imitated the noise of a Shamisen in 4:05 to reflect Hinata's mild nature. The tune returns again in 4:40 however in a various time signature and slower pace.

4. Jiraya's Legacy 5:13
The abrupt crucial change from E -small to C#- minor represents the development Naruto is experiencing after losing his coach Jiraya. Streaming left hand motions are introduced in 5:19, foreshadowing the approaching battle in 5:55. There are two essential modifications in 6:02 and 6:09 and the pace is constantly increasing. All this functions as a musical accumulation for the upcoming climax in the next chapter.

5. END OF THE WORLD with Sasuke 6:25
And so, the end of the world has begun. Despite all the horrible things Sasuke has actually done, Naruto merely can not let his friend go. The initial Unhappiness and Sadness tune has progressed into an orchestral firework, transcending the constraints of the piano. As the music raves on, the final battle pertains to an end with one last conflict in 7:00 however it ends in a draw with an "open" in 7:04.

6. The Seal of Reconciliation 7:17
After all is stated and done, Naruto and Sasuke finally acknowledge each other and reconciled for excellent. The initial Sadness and Grief melody is being played once again, however in G-minor instead of E-minor, revealing the character advancement of Naruto. And lastly, the piece ends with a G-major , representing a new start for both Naruto and Sasuke.

Well then, this has become longer than expected however I hope you enjoyed my interpretation of the music! In some cases the power of fond memories can truly do wonders with your performance. I am also glad that I can still discover brand-new methods how to set up anime music on the piano and this "piano fantasy" is my next action to further explore the world of story-telling on the piano.

Thank you for reading, and I hope I can see you next Monday once again with another unfortunate theme arrangement!

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Download link will appear here.
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Piano arrangement by Animenz.

Initial Tune: .
Anime: Naruto (2002-2007).
Published by: Sony Music Distribution (Japan) Inc. (2003 ).
Made up by: Musashi Job.
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#naruto #sadnessandsorrow #piano.

Sadness and Sorrow (FINAL BATTLE ver.) – Naruto [Piano]

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About the Author: Virtual Piano Online


  1. This anime had some of the deepest character development backed by a sense of nostalgia.
    Also, the song reminds me of how Naruto has always been lonely and what he’s been through. 
    A reason as to why this is a beautiful anime with a soundtrack that fits perfectly.

  2. What a surprise✨ When I saw Animenz perform this OST in Dubai before, I really hope that one day《 Sorrow and Sorrow》will be recorded and uploaded. Now my dream has come true! If 《Blue Bird》is the red of the unrestrained flame, and《Sorrow and Sorrow》 is the dark blue at the center of the burning flame, it is the base color of the “Naruto” story. In addition to exciting adventures, “Naruto” is actually a story with a lot of heartbreak.

    The live performance at the time was amazing, as Animenz’s adaptation of this traditional Japanese music style was rarely heard. The poignant and moving sound of the piano is like hearing the samisen (三味線)describing the loneliness in Naruto’s heart and bringing back memories of those who died in the story ….

    The whole performance seemed to be in a dark blue vortex. I was lost in the piano sound of Animenz and it touched my heart deeply. Today’s video is an expanded 8 minute version and I’m ready to fall into the vortex again~

  3. Love that it’s the final battle version. When I first watched that fight, I was not expecting to hear Sadness and Sorrow again and it hit me like a damn truck

  4. One of the ost I usually listened to if I want to be sad or cry for no reason. Such an amazing melody

  5. Finally You made it ❤️
    Hope one day you can make more arrangement of simple OSTs like watashi no uso or again from shigatsu wa kimi no uso , to see more about your ability to create new lines in simple songs
    You are for sure a trully inspiration

    1. I definitely enjoy arranging anime OST’s the most, since I can fully utilize my “orchestra style” on the piano 😀

    2. @Animenz Piano Sheets I thought you would never do an arrangement of this song because it’s a little old and very simple , I became real happy that you made it , I love how you can make simple songs becoming orchestral and super hard
      ありがとございます animenz せんぱい

  6. I performed quite badly at my recent chess competition(which is still occurring until Friday). Thanks, Animenz for making me forget all my frustrations with this wonderful and emotional song. It really heals my soul.

  7. This is such a beautiful rendition of (in my opinion) an overplayed song. It gives this OST new character and life. This was an amazing arrangement to listen to and I’ll be listening to it for a while. Keep doing what your doing, we’re all here for/with you Animenz!

  8. This is easily in your top 10 piano arrangements. The variety of piano techniques (tremolos, rapid octaves and arpeggios etc.), attention to detail and tonal control, and storytelling artistry displayed in this arrangement cannot be overstated.

    1. Thank you!
      I also think this is one of my best “special type” arrangements I have done in a while.
      Initially, I was a little bit reluctant to do a piano fantasy like this, since I heavily modify the original song (and some people might disagree with all the changes).
      But still, I really wanted to tell the story of Naruto on the piano and instead of arranging a Naruto Soundtrack Medley, I used only the melody of “Sadness and Sorrow” as a starting point for this 8 minute piano fantasy.

      I think this is simply the power of Nostalgia, haha

    2. i would definitely rate it Top 3 ,the musicality is insaanee , its justtt so matureee :'(( i cant find wordss

    3. @Animenz Piano Sheets Personally, I believe that you shouldn’t let others affect what you want your music to be. It is your music after all XD

    4. This is the original animenz we know, technique-focused arrangement with musicality. Basically modern Chopin.

  9. When Animenz went into radio silence for 3 weeks, my hypotheses were:

    A. He was having sooooooo much fun in Dubai that he barely had time to play piano;

    B. He was tooooooo busy prepping for his upcoming 2 mil subscriber LiveStream.

    Yet he caught me by surprise with this sudden upload.
    And there was so much emotion in this piece that, all the past Naruto memories came haunting me now. Ok, so seems the truth is:

    Z. He became a Piano Ninja by practicing in Konohagakure.

    Please pardon my rambling, as I said, he caught me by surprise, I’m actually too drunk to comment today :b

    1. Both A and B is partially true though 😉

      I already started preparing my 2M subscriber special piano medley – this is going to be my most ambitious video on my YouTube channel.

      (waiting for your comment, when you are sober enough, haha)

    2. Konohakakure – the act of hiding a small leaf

      Konohagakure – hidden leaf village

  10. MANN 6:03 and onwards is just GOD TIERRR
    and that crescendo on 7:00 🥲
    and of course all those different patterns are just amazing.
    Thank you for a fantastic arrangement 🙂
    I love how you move your head with the trill @ 7:05 xD
    That repeated A @ 4:02 just hits the feels., and the way it climbs to the B is just aaakhhhh
    And you just gotta love that transition to C# minor @ 5:13
    Amazing work

  11. “Because they saved me from myself, they rescued me from my loneliness. They were the first to accept me for who I am. They’re my friends.” – Naruto Uzumaki

    1. Oh uh.. and I’m like 22 now so that’s.. I probably should have just said over a decade

    2. お帰りなさい😌🎶🏠️今回もアニメンズさんにしか出来ないアレンジです✨ストーリー性があって引き込まれます‼️聴いていると、このアレンジの世界から抜け出したくない、ずっと留まっていたい✨そう思ってしまいます‼️美しいです🎵

    3. ““Because they saved me from myself, they rescued me from my loneliness. They were the first to accept me for who I am. They’re my friends. ” – Naruto Uzumaki – Animenz“

  12. One of the most iconic and nostalgic anime pieces that I’ve watched. Seeing how Naruto went through sadness and sorrow, not allowing it to drag him down, but instead, choosing to prove to the world that hard work makes the dream work. That your birth doesn’t determine your fate.

    I can still remember the episode where the third hokage funeral happened and when Naruto asked why good people have to die as the ost plays. So many philosophical questions of the show that can still baffer you to this day.

    Thanks for rekindling that ever so small memory back.

    1. I really wish there would be a remake anime TV series of Naruto in the future, condensed into 200 episodes without any filler.
      The nostalgia would be insane.

    2. @Animenz Piano Sheets there is technically a fan-compiled torrent out there if you’re willing to sail the high seas.

  13. This song makes me feel many feelings and memories. A beautiful arrangement, Animenz never disappoints. Naruto, an anime that has given me life.

  14. When the first notes hit, I knew we were diving straight into a nostalgia-trip. You’ve brought the finale as ‘finale’ as it can possible get.

  15. Wow! You did it again Animenz! A very rich arrangement and I can imagine the story you are trying to tell from your performance. Also I really love that Japanese Koto style tremolos, it really sets up the nostalgic mood. Thank you for playing!

  16. No way…. I love how your coming back into your old arrangements and applying your newer techniques and skills to overall make these arrangements stunning and very emotional and sounds very lovely to the ears (especially the jazz sounds in my opinion I’ve been a big fan of them from once you learned about them). You inspire me so much and I can’t imagine how much more ppl you truly do inspire. Thanks :p btw this is the one of the best arrangements in my opinion hands down with just the pure technique, with timing and idk what to even call them yet. But it sounds amazing

  17. Increíble!, esto me devolvió al pasado recordando esa mítica batalla final entre Naruto y Sasuke. La banda sonora de Naruto me parece algo majestuoso. y tu arreglo Animenz, fue maravillosamente hermoso.💯💯💯

  18. I loved this arrangement, everything, the low notes and that support that you give the melody with it. I’m going to be honest I don’t really watch Anime but your arrangements even make me want to get into it.
    I’ve been listening to you since you did your original Zelda A Link To the Past Ending themes on Piano, I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT, my uncle showed me the games he’d play when he was my age and he showed me a bunch of them (Including Zelda) Though he also showed me one that caught my attention the most because he mentioned the OST on that game was GOD TIER, the game he was talking about was Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest. The song that stood the most out of every song in that game was Bloody Tears, I found it in YouTube because I wanted to listen to it in a Piano Version but the one that is really complete and the one that I most enjoyed was (unfortunately) a video of the song made in Synthesia, It is really complete but after listening to your arrangements my brain crashed when I thought of you Animenz playing Bloody Tears Synthesia Edition but with that ANIMENZ touch that you put into your arrangements.
    I really hope you get to read this or even consider playing Bloody Tears for me and my Uncle.

    We love your work and we wish you the best of luck in future projects. ^^

  19. Omg. This is unreal; really feels like the strings are playing and not the piano. The piano **is** the orchestra. Your storytelling with this is so good!!
    This might be my favorite arrangement yet.

    That key change too, that was amazing. I can’t even begin to put my thoughts in words. This arr. is definitely, one of the greatest arrangements I’ve ever heard. It’s insane how much you’ve developed your style now (and continue to evolve it); truly amazing.

    Thanks again for another breath – taking arrangement!

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