When should you use the 4th finger?

This is a little bit of what I cover and what you'll find out in lesson 15 (Tutorial Book 2) from my '1-30 Violin Course' which 100% guarantees to take you from a total newbie to an accomplished intermediate gamer.
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When should you use the 4th finger?

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  1. Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 272 sentadillas son unos X18TINDER.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio. Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😍👍 Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖 los mortalesq abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer.k

  2. Just hit the 5-month mark as a student and using the 4th finger is not perfect but coming a lot easier. Three things that helped.
    1. Daily Exercises to strengthen the 4th finger (Gripping and rolling small ball of paper under 4th finger for example)
    2. Adding scale runs using the 4th finger to my daily practice. For example, I will do standard two octave G-major scale runs with open strings and sets of the same scale run using 4th finger notes instead of open strings.
    3. Better hand placement. Found placing my hand back just a bit on the neck made a huge difference.

  3. Thank you for your 1 to 30 violin lessons book Allison. I am currently at spiccato. They are well paced and any novice can easily pick it up. Looking forward to more such learnable content from you.

  4. Thank youuuu 🙏❤ cuz really I’m still struggling with the 4th finger 😅

  5. Thank you. I got book two a week or so ago. I haven’t got this far into yet. Still on Lesson 11 scales. Very, very helpful. Thank you

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