Pirates of the Caribbean「He’s a Pirate」EPIC Piano Cover | Johnny Depp Movie | Ru’s Piano

Pirates of the Caribbean「He's a Pirate」EPIC Movie –
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Pirates of the Caribbean「He's a Pirate」EPIC Piano | Movie | Ru's Piano

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  1. 是神鬼奇航!!!

  2. Johnny Depp✅ Jack Sparrow✅ Pirates of the Caribbean 6❓
    🧡Join RuRu’s Membership 加入會員支持RuRu:https://www.youtube.com/c/RusPiano/join
    🎹「He’s a Pirate」 Full Ver.楽譜 Sheet Music:Upload later

  3. 頻道超稀有的電影主題曲又來了~「He’s a Pirate」是大家都非常熟悉的經典歌曲,今晚RuRu將用超熱血重低音來詮釋唷!


  4. You know i see these vids and i would love to watch them bu then i see it will released tomorrow and im pissed and dont watch them.

  5. 電影最強神曲

  6. do the song justice for johnny depp and the remainder that he played the best Jack sparrow sense he never will again

  7. It’s funny as hell that a dude won a court case and it got people to make songs about him

  8. OOOO, Pirate Ru-sama looks pretty :3 💜💜
    SUBARASHI, this will be lovely :0 💛💛

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