BOY – Ousama Ranking OP1 [Piano] / King Gnu

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Ousama Ranking was among my favorite series in 2021 and the Opening Song Kid from King Gnu was merely a perfect song to catch the cheerful mood from our favorite Prince Bojji. I was truly influenced by Bojji's nonstop optimism and his courage could actually move mountains. I actually hope we will see a second season very soon since I already miss out on Bojji and his trusted good friend Kage already.

To be truthful, organizing this tune was outside of my convenience zone once again, due to the fact that I could not make complete usage of my typical orchestral style with its numerous layers of sound. Rather, I believed a more minimalistic method is more suitable for an upbeat song like young boy and this plan ought to be played as light-hearted as possible with just minimum pedal usage.

Having stated that, I still "slipped" in some secondary tunes into the plan. Simply imagine Kage is secretly following Bojji who is playing the primary tune (笑). A good example would be the upper voice in the right hand in 0:39 or the quick middle voice in 1:12 and 1:22. Aside from that, I also included a couple of methods I rarely utilize nowadays, for example the "octave sniping" in 3:29 or the chromatic octave run in 4:06.

However my preferred part was really playing the key change in 3:32 due to the fact that this is the minute where I was finally "released" from the C-major secret. I do not understand whether other pianists would agree with me but playing only white keys (aka C-major) feels truly "unnatural" to me. I literally could not wait to play all the black secrets again and the key modification to Db-major seemed like paradise to me. Perhaps it's just me, who likes playing on black secrets, haha.

Well, that's it everybody! Thank you for listening to my of BOY!
My next plan is going to be from King Gnu once again and it's a signature tune from an motion picture.

See you next time again!
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arrangement by Animenz.

Initial Tune: BOY.
Anime: Ousama Ranking/ 王様ランキング.
Released by: Sony Music Labels Inc. (2021 ).
Composed by: Daiki Tsuneta/ 常田 大希.
Carried out by: King Gnu.
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#ousamaranking #boy #kinggnu #rankingofkings.

BOY – Ousama Ranking OP1 [Piano] / King Gnu

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  1. The moment I heard the intro, I knew it has to be King Gnu their style is just so original. Amazing you make a piano version of it now!

    1. @Mohammed Sajid yeah sure
      -lionel yu,kassia,traum also there s a lot more but those are the ones that come to mind first and like there s a lot of proffessionel pianists around the world so u can t really say one is the best of all

  2. Hooray!! We don’t need a ranking to know who the King of Anime piano is :b
    With so many things going on in the music, this song was a fun piece to play around with, sounds like Animenz enjoyed arranging it, and I simply become soooo happy listening to it! 😀
    P.S. My favorite part was 02:05 and 02:35 🙂

    1. I g we can all agree animenz will steal the top spot or at least one of the top spots for sure.

  3. I’ve loved this song from the moment I started watching Ranking of Kings. When I saw the premiere for it, I legitimately sat there shocked for a couple seconds I was so excited. As always, a stunning arrangement from animenz, I wish my piano made those noises~

  4. Finally a premiere that I actually made it to despite my time zone! This cover was amazing but Animenz probably gets so many of those to not care anymore so I’ll let my actions speak louder than my words. *starts dancing*

  5. what a groovy addition to the Animenz library! If i were to pick one word to sum up the jazzy runs and groovy rhythm of this arrangement, it would be “slick”. The parallel RH melodies in the first verse are seamless and balanced. Every trill and run, especially in the bridge and final chorus, is perfectly even, as well as the large jumps just prior to the final chorus. So effortless!

  6. Man that left hand is so groovy, it’s as if it’s dodging attacks like Bojji

  7. I love how this music just match with the anime vibe ! Really cool anime, really cool music and really cool arrangement !

  8. As always a very good arrangement! I really enjoyed it! For me, I think this song will be great if you arrange it in a stride piano style too!

  9. What a groovy arrangement Animenz! I remember the days when Im impressed on how the way you performed BOY in your latest livestream especially in the solo part of the song after the chorus, and I wondered how will you arrange the full version of this song. Thanks for this woderful perfomence!

    Also, I hope the you will consider SPYxFAMILY OP or ED on your to-do-list!

  10. This was definitely my favorite opening of 2021. I tried to cover this one myself but I wanted to wait until Animenz arranged it so I could learn to play the best version possible

  11. Review of this great arrangement

    The little downward apregios at 0:15 is a nice touch (also at 1:22 and 2:29), and especially when it appears again at 3:46, that really add certain brilliance to the sound.

    The first verse has main melody in the middle and the top decoration line really stand out at 0:45.

    0:48 has a dry sound, but 0:50 sounds like half pedal? really like that texture variation

    1:10 you drop the pedal to cease the other sound but the E note is still held so the melody line isn’t cut abruptly, very nice detail.

    1:27 love that left hand, the same chord with broken one first and then the complete one (sorry, I can’t find better word, haha)

    And then the second verse is kinda the same to the first one?

    2:34 introduce a groovy melody ,love that you somehow find a way to use only two hand to keep that melody in the background(e.g. 2:46 look at that busy left hand, haha), this section kinda give me the same vibe as your Giorno’s Theme arrangement.

    2:59 love this kind of ‘echo’ of high note

    3:07 we have a calm moment before the storm, not only does the volume drop, but you use very little note to give a ‘’clean’’ sound, that’s one of the reason your arrangement are not just random popular song arrangement, the dramatic dynamic range change in both volume and note quantity is just breath taking.

    The chromatic high note in 3:30 is one note lower than the middle chromatic scale, this section along with that left hand in 3:32 is my favorite part of the song

    3:32 the left hand with that pedal control is just gooooood, it just sounds crisp!!!!

    That long phrase start from 3:56 to 4:00 is beautiful!!!

    4:06 that dotted octave is also my favorite part, brilliant !!!!


  12. Anyone get that feeling when you’re about to recite a piece and your whole hand goes super light at feels like you’re playing way better than you we’re practicing and just basically go with the flow of the piece and basically just forget that u were even performing in front of people? or is it just me

  13. BOY I love that octave sniping @ 3:29 !

    I’m imagining that this groovy arrangement being played at a party with friends circling and bouncing to the rhythm of the piano ~

  14. This song is very cheerful and makes me smile everytime I listen. I’m very happy to see your performance it’s just amazing! 😀
    But though, second one is a real gem. I really wish you to make cover of it 😉

  15. Different but nonetheless beautifull as every of your piano arrangements

  16. when you first played it on the birthday stream I was immediately impressed by the way you managed the vocals, and 1 day after you release the full version? DOPE!

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