In this lesson I teach on semi tones and whole tones. You CAN learn how to play piano. All you need is the desire to learn piano. I'm building a World of Piano for people like you, come discover it:.
Belong to our warm and friendly community:.
Andrew Furmanczyk::.
I think you are a total legend for taking the time to upload these vids for free. Always wanted to leaner but can’t afford lessons and I really appreciate the effort you’ve gone to to make learning music accessible. You’re a great teacher too.
@James Walters good try mate
Emma-Louise Phillips very true!
S/O to everyone that didn’t give up after lesson one
idk about y’all but some of these replies are giving me very much bots
After wanting for years to play piano I discovered Denelle Piano Lesson and this appears to be the simplest online system (google it if you are interested)
Appreciate video content! Excuse me for butting in, I would appreciate your thoughts. Have you thought about – Riddleagan Possessing Piano Remedy (just google it)? It is a smashing exclusive product for learning how to play the piano easily without the hard work. Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my mate at very last got amazing results with it.
Thanks, brother…
My progress
I’m loving the lessons. Thank you Andrew for taking the time to share your knowledge with us. Great job!!!
So much passion in teaching. Thanks a lot man, I just got my first keyboard and I’m learning with your videos.
First lesson: 21 mil.
Second lesson: 4 mil.
We are the chosen
The reason so many people probably dropped was because he had some more explanations in the first one. He kept talking and making comparisons to things. Then when he was demonstrating twinkle twinkle, he went very fast, and didnt explain what keys he was hitting.
I feel extra proud of myself for making it less than two. What a bunch of quitters. I am loving this and I’m so happy I found this channel, it’s bringing me so much joy during these dark COVID times. Love this dude!
You made this video a decade ago and it’s still helping people including myself in 2019 to play the piano and that is just amazing! You are a great person and I hope things in your life are going the best possible way they could!
You teach so much faster than my piano teacher, she has to go over many students so it takes a lot of time and I couldnt wait any longer so I decided to get ahead. Thanks!
Doing this for myself.
1:15 – Whole tones and semi-tones
4:08 – Pattern for major scales
4:46 – C major scale
5:34 – G major scale
6:50 – What a scale is, tonal center (tonic), playing a scale
9:30 – Sharp and flat
11:13 – Enharmonic
13:36 – Mary Had a Little Lamb
15:09 – Intervals
Hero 🙌🏼
I like you. Good job.
@Filip Raos what did they say?
@Charles both
@Zedix it was a year ago, i have no idea what it was. Probably self promotion combined with stolen/unoriginal content
Not only is he a great teacher, but the fact that he’s Scooby’s best friend just makes it all better
📝 Notes: (timestamps)
1:13 Whole tones and half tones
4:13 Major scale pattern(formula)
5:32 The G-major scale
6:47 What’s a scale?
8:00 Right-hand way of playing scales
9:28 ‘A sharp and a flat
11:11 N-harmonic
12:28 What do sharps and flats do?
13:33 Bonus: Mary had a little lamb 🐑
15:05 *Additional bonus: Intervals
15:32 Octaves
16:43 Intervals (pt.2)
19:38 Lesson#3
*your lessons are da’ bomb, Andrew 👌 Great work.
Thank you so much for breaking everything down the way you do. I’m learning from scratch and I’m improving like crazy by just really watching these simple two lessons.
If you still follow this Andrew, almost 12 years later, thank you so much for doing all you’re doing to make this available:)
You’re so welcome! Come join our music community (
still replying and hearting
What a legend
This was posted 11 years ago and I’m still learning from this in 2020. This is the second lesson I’m watching. Loved your first lesson.
Man, I love your videos. You’re a great teacher. I hope you’ve grown ALOT after all these years 🙂
Thank you for these videos. Hope you are doing well 🙂
Stay in. Stay safe.
Shout out to everyone learning the piano during these Coro times
Just started now haah
@tom111 so you realized learning a new skill was hard and gave up on something you wanted to be good at? Push through and you won’t just learn piano but an important life lesson too.
@Cult of Tristianity This is the reality check I need, Thanks bud. Life won’t be easy, success comes to those who don’t give up
Still here, still learning!!
Andrew, no lie you’re an AMAZING piano teacher. I just did lesson 1 and 2 so far on Day 1 and you make it so easy to remember and understand. Seriously I couldn’t recommend this more! Love the videos so far and can’t wait for more lessons tomorrow.
This is amazing, I learned piano because of you, I remember coming here a few years ago with a broken keyboard, and here I am now playing a real piano. thank you
That’s awesome! Congratulations. I’m 15 and trying to learn it. Took lessons when I was little but basically forgot everything
@Mannequin Man ya me too I am 15…going to be 16 soon.. I also had some basic lessons when I was younger… But forgot them and due to stuff I had to leave music and here I am back again.. Hope you have learned well…
1:15 – Whole tones and semi-tones
4:08 – Pattern for major scales
4:46 – C major scale
5:34 – G major scale
6:50 – What a scale is, tonal center (tonic), playing a scale
9:30 – Sharp and flat
11:13 – Enharmonic
13:36 – Mary Had a Little Lamb
15:09 – Intervals
If your here for your second lesson, congrats on making it this far!
If something on here seems difficult and you’re getting frustrated, take a second to breathe, get a snack or take a nap, do something relaxing, then come back to it. You’ve got this. Also, big thank you to Andrew for these videos, I’m enjoying learning so far!
What a neat explanations to the things I found complicated and scary. You really have the art of teaching and music both my good man.