Elden Ring OST「The Final Battle」Ru’s Piano Cover | Radagon & Elden Beast Theme

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#艾爾登法環 #主題曲 #鋼琴演奏 #艾爾登法環鋼琴 #艾爾登法環音樂 # #梅琳娜Cosplay # # #登大人 #艾爾登法環攻略

」Ru's | Radagon & Elden Beast Theme

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  1. 我的電玩頻道:Ru’s Gaming 開始不定時直播囉!大家趕快來訂閱吧
    ✨可以透過超級留言支持RuRu唷!If you like my music, you can use Super Chat and Super Thanks to support me!
    ❤Join RuRu’s Membership:https://www.youtube.com/c/RusPiano/join
    🎹「The Final Battle」楽譜 Sheet Music:Upload later

  2. 先..先不要問我艾爾登法環破關沒,改編歌曲比較重要 (汗)

    上次發布主題曲後,很多粉絲許願「The Final Battle」、「神皮主題曲」,今晚就來滿足大家其中一個心願囉~~

    1. 這次法環的音樂 整個破完真的沒多少是有深刻印象的

  3. Ru: *_” Greetings, listerner – from beyond the monitor. I am Ru… and I offer you a performance._*
    *_But you are not a musician I’m afraid. I can play the role of pianist. Turning noise into music. Just let my hands dance on this piano for a moment. “_*

  4. ” Cross the screen, to the Connections Between, to stand before the Piano Keys. And become the Elden Queen!”
    – RuRu the Eternal Pianist –

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