Made in Abyss OST 「Hanezeve Caradhina」 Piano Cover /Kevin Penkin

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Made in Abyss Season 2 ends today!

Hope you enjoy my arrangement of the soundtrack "Hanezeve Caradhina", composed by . It brings back so many fond memories.
▼ Check out more piano covers! 作品再生リスト

Q: Where can I buy the MIDI screen?
A: The MIDI display was made using effects, not a real screen.

Piano synthesizer: Roland FP-30X
Sound library: Garritan CFX
VFX software: Embers ( ), Adobe AfterEffects

▼ Credits
「Hanezeve Caradhina」
作曲 / Composed by:
ピアノアレンジ / Piano arr.:HalcyonMusic

▼ Special thanks to my following supporters on Patreon!
Become a supporter here:
Andrew Norton
Brian Boutilier
Lois Romanowicz
SamA Lau
Thomas Kwasny

#anime #MadeInAbyss #メイドインアビス #piano #pianocover #miabyss

bilibili mirror:

*Affliated link
^ Free for a limited time after upload. Due to copyright reasons, all for my piano covers on this website are distributed for a fee. Thank you for understanding.

Made in Abyss OST 「Hanezeve Caradhina」 /Kevin Penkin

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  1. THANK YOU HALCYON! Thank you for uploading your own take on this BEAUTIFUL song! ❤😊

  2. The song that could represent the entire anime, from being adventurous to deep-diving into the abyss. Till this day, I’m still startled on how good the anime and pacing is, thank you for introducing it to me in the first place, my friend!

  3. Soft in the beginning, then directly change to clean and powerful

  4. Never really heard a version that did staccatos/cuts for the beginning portion of the song. Gave off the sense of uneasiness through exploration but then for the 2nd half it was legato and it was a sense of triumph over adversary. Cool rendition. Would love to hear it in real life someday :^)

  5. ‘When you’re happy, you enjoy the music but when you’re sad, you understand the lyrics.’ doesn’t apply in this song…

  6. Why does the curtain swaying actually help to enjoy this song🤣🤣
    I have never heard this ost before but your playing has still made me appreciate this ost alot!

  7. One of my favorite anime OSTs of all time right next to Re:Zero’s Requiem of Silence. Thank you for the cover.

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